Vol. 2 No. 33 | page 2 | Aug. 14, 1953 |
Although located three hundred miles from the nearest TV station, Igloo has a TV set which picks up programs in sufficient clarity to be enjoyed. Col. Roy B. Southworth, Jr., depot Executive Officer has merited the distinction of being the first resident of the town to operate a TV set with any degree of success.
With the aid of a power booster, he has been able to pick up stations on the East Coast, spasmodically. Stations in Springfield, Ill., Louisville, Ky., and Atlanta, Ga., have been heard and seen. Denver, the nearest station has not been received as yet.
The TV waves received here are the result of "skip". TV waves the Colonel explained, travel only in straight lines but can be received beyond the line of sight if reflected from land objects or the atmosphere. Contrary to popular opinion, the best reception is on cloudy or stormy days when changes in the air's density make reflection the best.
While stationed at Fort Hood, Texas, Southworth was within the accepted range of TV transmission and had a standard 21 inch screen set. At the time of his transfer here, last month, he brought the set with him and out of shear curiosity tried it out. Pictures are clear enough to be enjoyed and normally it is possible to get some station about one-half of the time. Stations can be brought in for as long as two hours, but at times they fade away in the middle of a program with out warning. "It leaves rather an empty feeling to be cut off in the middle of one of Bob Hope's gags", the Colonel said.
Vol. 5 No. 8 | pages 1 and 5 | Feb. 21, 1957 |
The TV Committee has started a campaign to wipe out the $612 deficit now on the books.
According to the committee chairman, Leonard Penor, it is not planned to conduct a house-to-house campaign for funds but set owners who have not already contributed will be contacted with a request for funds.
According to the chairman the original installation charges and upkeep never have been met as was originally planned. The Civilian Welfare Council advanced the shortage a year ago to enable the community to secure TV before all donations had been received.
Total expenses in connection with the station to date have totaled $2,233.20. The income breakdown show $402 contributed by businesses and organizations, $622.50 from individuals and $595.96 from dances and bingo.
In addition to meeting the current debt the committee hopes to get a slight surplus to take care of operating expenses. New tubes costing $22.00 are purchased about every two months.
Contributions of the fund to date include the following:
BH Trading Post, $100.00; Kiwanis Club, $25.00; A. F. G. E., $25.00; Officers' Mess, $50.00; Fire Department, $24.00; Dale Bailey, $25.00; Orrin Shuck, $25.00; Vet's Club, $25.00; Charles Stearns, $15.00; Dale Coen, $10.00; George Beamen, $10.00; Trig Wiedenmeyer, $10.00; Elmer Nygaard, $10.00; Martin Heier, $10.00; Robert Hanson, $10.00; Lee Huston, $10.00; Don Thompson, $10.00; Oscar Krebs, $10.00; Maj. Donald Dille, $10.00; Leonard Olson, $10.00; Kenneth Stuen, $10.00.
Igloo Gun Club, $10; Simon Pogreba, $10; Hugh Hutchison, $10; William Gubbs, $10; Joe B. Marsh, $10; Edgar C. Hall, Jr., $10; Bruce Davis, $10; Milton McLaughlin, $10; Miss Ward and Miss Hajek, $10; Arthur Hofer, $10; Kenneth Gibson, $10; Louis Gukeison, $10; Wilfred LaPlant, $10; Donald Hair, $10; Andrew Lapinsky, $5.
Ralph Theisen, $5; Bill Ruby, $5; William Mohr, $5; Clifford Hall, $5; Arthur Coffee, $5; Fielden Shupe, $5; Harold Hyatt, $5; Howard Hilbrand, $5; Harold Waltman, $5; O. E. McCroskey, $5; LaVose Peterson, $5; Raymond Hale, $5; J. E. Traphagen, $5; Joe Schulz, $5; Charles Catlett, $5; Stan Kirby, $5; Capt. Metcalf, $5; Jerome Haywood, $5; Floyd Beauvais, $5; Don Lawler, $5; John Gisie, $5; Dean Sampsell, $5; Edgar Heer, $5; Linn Tillotson, $5.
William Bishop, $5; Charles Smith, $5; Elmer Sebring, $5; Richard Gillies, $5; William Knodel, $5; Kenneth Hyatt, $5; Wayne Martin, $5; Mildred Parsons, $5; Sam Lessert, $5; Justa Club, $5; Capt. William Nolen, $5; Blanche Rostad, $5; Mothers Club, $5; Eph Brafford, $5; Rueben Veren, $5; Hilbert Brave, $5; Jack Ferdig, $5; Monica Bayer, $5; Raymond Miller $5; Aaron Hoar, $5; Vernie McCleery, $5.
Julia Brigham, $5; Elsie Nafziger, $5; Ben Artichoker, $5; Alvin Smith, $5; Jake Schiffner, $5; Kilburn Hicks, $5; Homer Johnson, $5; Alvin Ehrich, $5; Girl Scouts, $5; David Forney, $5; Charles Young, $5; Milfred Arthur, $5; Henry Wohl, $5; W. H. Barney, $5; W. W. Hipsher, $5; Clair Jones, $5; Clair Alspach, $4; Charles Bush, $3; VFW Auxiliary, $3; Kenneth Trowbridge, $3; Virgil Stuen, $2.
William Bayliss, $2; Doris Chismar, $2; E. W. Ladwig, $2; Oscar Mueller, $2; Eugene Schweitzer, $2; Alfred Hall, $2; Duane Bauer, $2; Victor Garvis, $2; Charles Dunsmore, $2.50; Clifford Gray, $2.50; Hobart Larvie, $1; Earl Larson, $1; Walt Flammond, $1; Billy Mudge, $1; Agnes Johnson, $1; James Stransky, $1; Sgt. Harold Horst, $.50; Emil Peterson, $5; and Earl Cummings, $5.