The Edgemont Tribune; Sept. 16, 1942; pg. 1; VFW DEFENSE AREA POST TAKES FORM;
Provo, S. Dak., Sept. 12: - A movement is afoot to organize what will likely be the first Veteran's organization in any defense area in the United States. Thirty enthusiastic overseas veterans met to organize a Veterans of Foreign Wars Post for the area. Bruno Hintze, district commander of District No. 10, including the West River section presided. He appointed Earl Klock, Hot Springs, adjutant.
Overseas veterans from eight different states were present, representing all of the various activities on the project from contract laborers to Ordnance and engineer employees.
Talks were made by Hintze, Klock, George Chase, Clarence Kettleson, John H. Fox, John Samulois, C. L. Urdman, Wyman Eagle Feather, O. F. House, D. O. Leonard, J. F. Peper and Jesse McBride. McBride, who is an Indian veteran, sang a song.
Local addresses of the men present were taken; and a second meeting will be called later at which time arrangements will be made to complete the organization which will likely be called Defense Area Post, VFW of the United States. A number of veterans present Wednesday evening have sons in the present war, who are in overseas service. Soldiers of the present war who are in the fighting forces abroad are joining up with the VFW as rapidly as they contact a VFW Post, according to Bruno Hintze.
The Edgemont Tribune; Jan. 27, 1943; VFW to dedicate new library at BHOD.
The Edgemont Tribune; Feb. 3, 1943; Overseas Soldiers Elgibile To Join V.F.W.
Vol. 1 No. 18 | page 7 | May 9, 1952 |
Defense Post 3530, Veterans of Foreign Wars, was first officially organized November 13, 1942. The first meeting was held in the old barber shop with about 30 members being signed up. At this meeting, it was voted to name the post "Defense Post" No. 3530. Earl Klock was elected as the first Post Commander.
At the meeting of April 7, 1952, a letter was read giving the post authority to change the name of Defense Post No. 3530, Provo, S. Dak., to Patrick Varvel Post No. 3530, Igloo, S. Dak. This was done in honor of Patrick Varvel, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Varvel, who was killed in action in 1950 in Korea.
Patrick Varvel Post has always been very active in promoting athletics, the post basketball team making an envious record for the post during the 1951-52 basketball season.
The post has a well-drilled Honor Guard team, prepared at any time to provide a military escort for any deceased veteran.
The post, always active in any civic enterprise, has helped organize a Civil Defense team, and is putting on a drive at the present time to obtain blood donors for our servicemen.
The post has grown greatly during the past ten years; starting with a membership of 30, it now has a membership of 126.
Vol. 5 No. 12 | page 7 | March 21, 1957 |
At the last regular meeting of the local VFW Post No. 3035 the following new veterans were officially qualified and accepted for membership: John Johnly, George Smizer, Lynn McCoy, John Varvel, Jr., Charles Percy and R. R. "Speed" Deimer.
When the Post was orginated in 1942 the charter was granted on the basis of 37 memberships. The present membership numbers 42 with a goal of 49 for 1957.
Officers for 1957 are: John Varvel, commander; Stewart Mudge, senior vice-commander; Walter Baer, junior vice-commander; Van Goodman, quartermaster; Howard Mayer, judge advocate; George Smizer, surgeon; Roy Lambert, chaplain; John Johnley, trustee, one year; Joe Bear, trustee, two years; Benedict Eck, trustee, three years; Elmer Sebring, adjutant.