image of main gate



The Black Hills News; 7/23/1942; pg. 4, col. 2; Terteling News; by Virginia Robertson

A barber shop will be opened at the end of this week in the post exchange building. Laundry and dry cleading serice will be handed there.

The Igloo Magazine

The Igloo Magazine

Vol. II No. 12 page 1 March 26, 1943


Little Bobbie Forsythe, considering how he could best do his share, decided to remove Provo mud from the shoes of the workers on the Area, and restore them to their former shine and beauty. His workshop is the Barber Shop, where he will be found morning and evenings and all day Saturdays. That is some contract for a thirteen-year-old boy, but good luck! Bobbie!

The Rattler; 1944; Ordnance Barber Shop, Dean Biley, Proprietor

The Walrus

The Walrus

Vol. 1 No. 23 page 1 June 13, 1952

Depot Barber Shop Gets Facelifting

The Igloo Barber Shop under the management of Ed Heer is undergoing remodeling which will benefit the local customers.

The room in which it has been located in the past has been divided by a partition and the shop is now located in the section next to the street. The back room will be used for shop storage.

Chairs and other fixtures were moved last week. A complete job of redecorating within the near future will complete the job.

Mr. Heer states that the new arrangement will keep the shop temperature cooler in summer as the heat from the sun coming in the west windows will not pour directly into the shop. Likewise it is expected that the tonsorial parlor will not be penetrated quite so much by the winter winds.

Cost of remodeling is being borne by the Post Restaurant Council and the Post Engineers shops are performing the necessary alterations.

The Walrus

Vol. 1 No. 24 page 1 June 20, 1952

Correction . . .

It was erroneously reported in last week's issue of this newspaper that cost of remodeling the Igloo Barber Shop is being borne by the Post Restaurant Council. The building remodeling is, in fact, being paid for entirely out of Post Engineer funds. New fixtures have bee purchased and paid for by Mr. Ed Heer, shop manager. "The Walrus" regrets the reporting error.

Adults . . . . 75c
Children . . 50c

(under 14 years)

Igloo, South Dakota

1957 Walrus Ad

(under construction)


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