image of main gate

Black Hills Ordnance Depot


The Walrus

The Walrus

Vol. 1 No. 7 page 1 Feb. 22, 1952

Book Club Elects Officers

At a recent meeting of the Readers Book Club held in the Community Building, elections were held and the Club was organized on an official basis. Mrs. David Evans was elected President and an order of business was scheduled.

Upon the recommendation of the Welfare Council, the members of the Readers Book Club made arrangements to assist the Librarian at the Community Building in selecting books and authorizing payment for books which residents of this Community are invited to bring in.

The library at the Community Building is interested in obtaining from Igloo residents books which they have read and no longer need, and the Welfare Council is willing to pay $1.00 for any book in good condition and acceptable to the Librarian and Readers Book Club. These books can be brought to the Community Building and left with one of the Hostesses there. A person leaving books for consideration and purchase by the library should be sure to leave his or her name also.

There is still an open invitation to those interested.


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