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The Walrus

The Walrus

Vol. 2 No. 13 page 4 March 27, 1953

BHOD Bowling

Women's Team Standings

Week ending March 20.

Team Won Lost
Alley Cats 46 20
Lucky Bowlers 37 29
Beavers 36 30
Hagen's 35 31
Surveillance Wives 35 31
Stockmans 35 31
Personnel 34 32
Officers Wives 32 34
Administration 29 37
School Moms 28 38
Concessionaires 27 29
Roustabouts 22 44

This week finished the season for the women. High game goes to Mavis Backer with a 191. High average of 147 goes to Millie Hall, who also took high series with 531 pins. Second high in average and series goes to Hilda Hagen who had a 139 average and a series of 513. High team series of 2258 pins was rolled by Hagen's team.

The Walrus

Vol. III No. 18 page 1 April 30, 1954

These Gals Are Good -- Win League Championship

Eskimo Team
Amassing a staggering total of 22,622 pins for their successful season of 45 games won and 21 lost, these happy gals of the Eskimos
won the Women's Bowling League Championship and gold pins, emblematic of their kegling prowess. The pins were donated by Herb Rabe of Edgemont.
The Alley Cats were runners-up in league play with with 44 games won and 22 lost. These Esquimeaux, who certainly were never cold, are, from left to right,
Lil Facklam, Mary Begert, Dorothy Garvis, Lois Hagen and Sally Staley, champs, singly and collectively. Other members of the team not present for the picture, Jan Brown and Eleanor Salmon.

The Walrus

Vol. IV No. 14 page 1 April 8, 1955

Bowling Champions

Buckshots Team
Pictured above are the first place winners of the Women's Bowling League. The "Buckshots" are left to right:
Sally Staley, Phyllis Forgey, Lillian Facklam, team captain; Lois Hagen and Mary Begert. Substitute bowlers, not pictured, were Nadine Veren and Dorothy Garvis.
This is the second successive year this team has taken first place. Second and third place went to the "Alley Cats" and the "Keglers" respectively.

The Walrus

Vol. 5 No. 14 page 5 April 4, 1957


Women's League

The Frances Sportswear bowling team won top honors in the 1956-57 women's bowling league it was announced this week with a total of 67 1/2 games won against 20 1/2 games lost.

For the entire year the team chalked up a ten point margin over the second place Buckshots, who followed in second place with 57 1/2 wins.

The Sportswear team members include Phyllis Thompson, Grace Hiscock, Claudia Betz, Joan Dyer and Joyce Odell.

Team standings for the year are shown below.

Team W L
Frances 67 1/2 20 1/2
Buckshots 57 1/2 30 1/2
Alley Cats 50 38
Sirens 45 43
Handicapers 43 1/2 44 1/2
Kittens 42 1/2 45 1/2
Keglers 41 47
Edgemont Bakery 39 49
Rainbow Girls 38 1/2 49 1/2
Thunderbirds 36 1/2 51 1/2
Copperettes 34 54
Ridgerollers 33 55

1957; Fall; Igloo Frances' team; Joyce Odell, Grace Hiscock, Elsie Lund, Claudia Betz and captain, Phyllis Thompson

The Walrus

Vol. 5 No. 32 page 4 Aug. 8, 1957

Women's Bowling League Will Hold Organization Meeting In September

The BHOD Women's Bowling League will call its annual reorganization meeting in September. This meeting will be called to order by President Lillian Facklam - - -


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