Vol. 1 No. 4 | page 1 | Jan. 18, 1952 |
A great deal of interest was shown at a meeting held Jan. 14 for the purpose of reorganizing a Cub Scout Pack in Igloo. Quite a number of interested persons, including parents, and spproximately 50 Cub Scouts were in attendance. Things got off to a good start, what with many more Cubs being present than were expected.
Dens were formed, and Den Chiefs were appointed. With such a wonderful turn-out of Cub Scouts, there is now need for additional Den Mothers and den Dads. Anyone interested in helping to make Cub Scouting a success please contact Mr. Dale Coen, Cubmaster.
Plans are now under way for the big pack meeting to be held the latter part of February. More will be released later about this meeting in the columns of the Walrus.
Den Mothers are: Mrs. Bishop, Mrs. Bush, Mrs. Linker, Mrs. Ribble, and Mrs. Thyer.
Committee members are: Dale Coen, Cubmaster; Wm. Krantz, chairman; Charles Bush, Secretary; Wm. Bennett; George Beaman; and J. H. Gardner.
This group wishes to thank the Vets Club for sponsoring the Cub Scouts.
Vol. 1 No. 20 | page 4 | May 23, 1952 |
The Cub Scouts held their regular monthly meeting April 28, at the Community building. The program was opened by Mrs. Eleanor Salmon playing and the audience singing America.
William Krantz presented the new cubmaster, William Grubbs, with elaborate Indian headdress and blanket. James Lewin, assistant cubmaster; Charles Bush, secretary and treasurer; and Roland Taylor, committeeman, each presented him with a diploma. Mr. Grubbs then presented each Den Mother with a registration card in the Scouts of America.
The following awards were presented: Bobcat pin to Jerry Worthley; Wolf badges or pins to Ronnie Lake, James Elsasser, Wayne Cottrell, and Woody Thayer; Wolf pin and gold arrow to George Taylor; Wolf badge and silver arrow to Charles Bush. Danville Miller was graduated into Boy Scouts using the rope ceremony in which the patrol leaders and Scoutmaster Mr. Catlett, participated.
circa 1956.
This is a picture of the new Cub Scouts, Den Chiefs, Den Mothers, Cub Master and Assistant Cub Master, taken at the first pack meeting held February 27, at which time the new Cub Master was crowned Akela.
From left to right, front row: Johnny Hipsher, Larry Newman, Roger Bohart, Dick Sebring, Paul Meier, Frank Deeke, Ronald Arthur, Delbert Herrold, Bobby Bush, Tommy Calvert, Roger Nelson, Lanny Kulbe, Victor Pedersen, Bruce Riley, Walter Hayes, Rusty Gilpin, Louie Anderson.
Second row: Raymond Schnitger, Roger Campbell, Russell Bohart, Jack Marty, David Sebring, Billy Ottmann, Kenneth Erickson, James Anderson, Jesse Sears, Dennis Olmstead, Dick Lolley, Noel Rickard, Wendall Herrold, Jim Grubbs, Danny Schuler, Leroy Taylor, Brent Hunter, Butch Jeppeson, Ronald Gordon, Harry Mickelson, Tommy Facklam, Teddy Facklam, Wayne Hoffer, Leslie Dyer, Kevin Beauvais, Larry Lathrop, David Thompson, Glenn Brave, Harold See, Pete Sears, Gary Schuler, Butch Nelson, Mike Davis, Dicky Mohr, Bob Marty, Donald Risden, Zane Iverson, Bob Elsasser, Warner Calvert, Anthony Larvie.
Third row: Mrs. Bohart, Mrs. Sebring, William Krantz, Cub Master, Fred McMillian; Mrs. Larvie, Mrs. Farrell, Mrs. Hofer, John Blette, Mrs. Kulbe, Mrs. Nelson, Ronnie Hagen, Mrs. McMillian.
Vol. 5 No. 33 | page 1 | Aug. 15, 1957 |
The Annual Cub Scout camp visit at Camp Old Broadaxe, Nemo, was enjoyed by 34 cub scouts, leaders, parents and the children. Starting at 1:00 p.m., the groups were taken on half hour sessions which included softball, volleyball, boat riding, rifle range, archery, nature hike and swimming. At 5:00 p.m. a picnic supper was enjoyed by about 700 people from the Black Hills area. At 6:30 p.m., a campfire program was given and by 11:00 p.m., the boys were ready for bed. The Cub Scouts would like to take this opportunity of thanking the drivers who made the trip possible.
(photos on Camp Old Broadaxe page.)
Edgemont Herald-Tribune | page 8 | Nov. 16, 1961 |
Pack 68 of Igloo had their October pack meeting at the new meeting room at the youth center formerly the child center, (Child Care Center) JLA Monday Oct. 30. It was called to order by cub master Osterholt asking for flag ceremony lead by Russell Opp and Wayne Erickson. Opening remarks by John O'Neill, institutional representative.
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