image of main gate



The Walrus

The Walrus

Vol. 5 No. 8 pages 1 and 5 Feb. 21, 1957

'Engine Ears'

by Jo Hutchinson

On 11 February 1957, Col. Don M. Hoffman presented Accident Free Safety Awards to the following sections of the Depot Facilities Division: Electric Section, one year award; Preventive Maintenance, five year; Woodworking Section, five year; Railroad Section, five year; Heating Section, five year; Sewage Section, 12 year; Paint Section, 12 year; Plumbing Section, 12 year; Custodial Section, 12 year; Water Section, 12 year; and Depot Facilities Divison, one year.

The Walrus

Vol. 5 No. 39 page 1 Oct. 3, 1957

Depot Facilities Division
The Depot Facilities Division, pictured above have a wonderful record. This Division has worked two years with no lost time injuries.
The men pictured above represent 83 percent of the whole Division, that has worked for three years without an injury of any kind.
"This" Colonel MacAdam, standing beside Mr. Harold Jones, Civilian Post Engineer, said "is a remarkable record".

(under construction)


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