The Walrus | page 1 | Feb. 21, 1957 |
Major and Mrs. Donald E. Dille and family left on 15 February 1957 for their home in Litchfield, Minnesota. Major Dille will return to Igloo for one week in March prior to discharge.
Major Dille has served as Post Surgeon in Igloo since 27 June 1955. Prior to that time he had been engaged in the general practice of medicine at the Litchfield Clinic. He returned to this clinic in which he is a senior partner.
While serving as Post Surgeon, Major Dille established an extensive immunization program on the Depot. He also broadened the surgical resource of the hospital and in general contributed a great deal to the medical welfare of the community.
The departure of Major and Mrs. Dille will be a great loss for Igloo.
From "A Surgeon's World", by Dr. William Nolan; page 31.
"The other doctor who served with me in Igloo was a fellow named Don Dille. He and his wife, Bonnie, and their six children lived across the street from us. Don was a general practitioner and a very good one. Until the army grabbed him for a two-year hitch he had been in practice with four other G.P.'s in the Litchfield Clinic, in Litchfield, Minnesota. Which brings me to the point of this rather lengthy digression."
"During our two years in Igloo, Joan and I got to know Don and Bonnie very well. We liked them and we
liked their kids. They told us of their life in Litchfield and it sounded as if it might be a pleasant
place to live. When Don was discharged, two months before I was, we took a vacation and went to visit them.
Their home was on a lake on the edge of the city. They had horses on a farm they owned about two miles from
their home. What we saw of their life style, and of Litchfield, appealed to us. When we were leaving, after
our three-day visit, Don said, "Why don't you keep in touch with me? Three years from now when your're
through with your surgical training, we might be ready to take a surgeon into our group." We had kept in
touch, and now that I was ready to leave Bellevue the idea of going to Litchfield seemed inviting."
(Dr. Nolen did go to Litchfield, MN after his residency and spent the rest of his life there.)