Rattlerette, Oct. 12, 1956;
On Monday morning, October 8, our high school was privileged to have with us Chief Don DuBois from the fire department and Major Meech our Fire Marshall. An assembly was called in honor of Fire Prevention Week, Oct. 7-13. Chief DuBois complimented the students for the part they have played in the prevention of fires by checking fire hazards in their homes and filling out Inspection blanks. He then introduced Major Meech, who gave a brief account of the Chicago fire and also the statistics of the fires during the past year. Chief DuBois then introduced Mr. Torkelson who gave a demonstration of what actually happens when an electric outlet is overloaded. The Assembly was concluded with a fire drill.
Vol. 5 No. 42 | page 1 | Oct. 24, 1957 |
KEITH SHOSTROM and his fine looking 8th grade class, pictured above, were the first to complete
and turn in their Home Fire Inspection reports, meriting their picture in the paper and the first
fire truck ride and tour through the Fire Station. Left to right: Frank Denton, Jimmy Coffee,
Walter Berquist, Lois Dappen, Judy Schock, Barbara Cooley, Carol Houska, Deanna Bettcher,
Cherry Robb, David Sebring, Robert Schnitger, Walter Lundblad, Steve Lorenz, William Ottman,
Clarence Richardson, Kenny Worthley and Mr. Shostrom.
(Photo by Schuler)