Vol. 1 No. 7 | page 1 | Feb. 22, 1952 |
George Hall and Frank Burke, employees of BHOD, purchased a Fairchild model PT-19 plane last week from Edgemont Flying Service.
This type was used as a trainer plane by the Air Force in WWII and is well known for it's maneuverability. It has a cruising speed of 110 MPH with a range of 500 miles. Ten gallons of gasoline and quart of oil are consumed hourly. At present the plane is grounded, awaiting arrival of a new propeller.
Mr. Hall is an experienced pilot, having made several solo flights. He will take a test for a private pilot's license in the near future.
Mr. Burke has a commercial rating but lacks a few hours for an instructor's rating. He also will take a test soon to obtain that rating.
Vol. 1 No. 43 | page 1 | Oct. 31, 1952 |
Two BHOD employees narrowly escaped with minor injuries when their plane, a two-place PT-19, washed out and pancaked into a hillside two miles south of the Depot reservation about 4:30 p.m. Sunday.
The two men, George Hall of Storage Division and Frank Burke of the Guard Force, were spotting likely areas for the coming deer hunting season. Flying at an altitude of approximately 100 feet, the plane was following a narrow draw toward the rise of the hill with Burke at the controls when the accident occurred.
Pulling full throttle, Burke attempted to lift the plane as they apparently hit a down draft. The motor washed out and Burke pancaked the plane to avoid nosing over. A wing was torn off and the propeller was twisted, the landing gear was demolished, leaving the craft practically a total loss.
Burke suffered a broken nose and bruises while Hall sustained a cut on the right leg and left arm as well as the many bruised spots.
The area in which the plane crashed is in the roughter hilly section south of the A Block storage area of BHOD. Except for the skillful handling of the plane by Burke, a much more serious accident would undoubtedly have occurred. As, George put it, "Our only other choice would have been either of two canyons. We surely were lucky with that one."
Vol. 2 No. 15 | page 6 | Apr. 10, 1953 |
The Igloo Flying Club was formed in April 1952 by Jack Lee, Tom Beimrohr, Kenneth Hertha, Delaire Tusow, Jack Romanek, and Royce Shepherd. Since that time the club has gained another member. Black Hills Army Airfield, Igloo, SDBlack Hills Army Airfield, Igloo, SD43.18 North / 103.85 West (Southwest of Rapid City, SD)Jack Eitzen, manager of the Southern Hills Garage in Edgemont is the new member, and Delaire Tusow sold his interest in the club.
Of the six members belonging to the club, two of them have licenses and the other four are well on their way. Kenneth "Zeke" Hertha soloed and as of last Saturday has his dual X-country behind him; Tom "Phineas" Beimrohr soloed two weeks ago and Jack "Penquin" Lee soloed last weekend to the total of 45 minutes.
A week after the club was formed, Mother Nature induced a little hard luck upon the members. The wind blew "Cub636OH" over which caused a hardship upon the club to the tune of quite a few dollars and numerous hours of labor. Now it is in good shape and flying like a new one.
The purpose of the club, at the time it was formed, was to secure licenses for four members and to satisfy the desire of all members to be able to fly when ready, and the cheapest way possible.
There are no controlling interests in the club. All members have equal holdings and their say so. All they have to do is say so.
The club meeting night, for the present, is the second Thursday night at 7:00 p.m., in the Community Building in Igloo one month and the southern Hills Garage the next. Anyone interested in flying or in joining the club are always welcome to every meeting.
The future plans of the club are to expand. We invite the interest of all. There are such things as Breakfast flights on Sunday mornings to different airports, fishing trips and such. The club is also going to join the A.O.P.A. (Airplane Owners and Pilot association), which is a national benefit to anyone owning an airplane.
The meeting this month will be the 16th at the Community Building.
Vol. 2 No. 23 | page 7 | June 5, 1953 |
R. L. Shepherd & Alvin Ehrich
Phone 250-R - P.O. Box 262
Igloo, S. Dak.
Edgemont Herald-Tribune | page 4 | Feb. 9, 1961 |
At the annual election of officers the Black Hills Ordnance Flying Club, Wednesday night. George S. Hall was named to his third term as president. Other officers chosen were: Leonard Penor, vice-president; Richard Paul Fritz, treasurer; Capt. W. F. Belet, secretary; James E. Lewin, operations officer and Frank Bartholomew Burke, member-at-large.
A. G. Hedglin was appointed assistant to the operations officer.
Edgemont Herald-Tribune | page 8 | Nov. 16, 1961 |
The Black Hills Ordnance Depot Flying Club members, with typical American ingenuity, transformed one of its planes into a temporary air ambulance Monday night and made an emergency flight to Denver early Tuesday morning.
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