Vol. 1 No. 4 | page 1 | Jan. 18, 1952 |
Girl Scout Association members elected officers at their regular monthly meeting held at the community building, Tuesday December 11, 1951.
Mrs. David Kilgore was elected President of the Association, Miss Christina Hajek, Vice President; Mrs. Helen Amy, Secretary; and Mrs. David Busby, Treasurer.
Vol. 1 No. 26 | page 5 | July 4, 1952 |
While Igloo was still in its infancy, a group of women recognized the need for a time consuming, character building enterprise for its many girls. After considerable thought and investigation, Girl Scouts of America seemed to be the answer. With an empty treasury but a courageous heart, these people worked to promote this worthwhile project. Original organizers, some of whom are still with the organization today, are Miss Adelaide Ward, Mrs. Ed Hurly, Mrs. Ed Hoel, Mrs. Lloyd Caulkins, Mrs. Francis George, Mrs. Paul Foss, Mrs. Madean Johnsonbaugh, Mrs. Hans Larsen and Mrs. Alfred Hagen.
Thus it was that early in the fall of 1943 a Lone Scout Troop came into being with eighty girls registered. The original meeting place was in what is now Duplex 311-B. That little building was scene of much activity. Later a room in the Community Building was officially designated by the commanding officer, Col. Cambre, for Scout use. It is in almost constant use for Brownie and Scout activities.
In "the good old days," with no sponsor for the organization, its financial condition was often acute. However, the girls and their leaders worked hard at various projects to make funds which would carry on their work. Among their projects was a gigantic rummage sale which netted $110.00. They sold cards, had bake sales and ice cream socials. Each individual felt that the benefits derived from the Scout program were more than compensated for by the efforts put forth In more recent years, the financial strain has been alleviated by help from the Community Chest. The sum given annually is adequate to buy supplies and equipment to carry on the program for the 120 girls now registered.
Through the years, camping has played an important part in Scout life. The first summer (1944) the girls went to Mallo Camp in Wyoming. During this season, Mrs. James Rickard acted as chaperon, and Mrs. Hans Larsen as official nurse. Igloo is now a member of the Southern Black Hills Camp Association which includes Custer, Edgemont and Hot Springs. Arrangements have been made for girls of these localities to again camp at Lake Bismarck, near Custer. This is a beautiful, modern camp - a perfect place for girls to have a wonderful time. Sessions are well organized with capable, experienced people from Scout Headquarters who know and understand girls, in charge. In addition, local ladies attend and do what they can to make camp life a success.
The girls of Igloo have been divided into five troops, each with two leaders, Troop No. 1, consisting of older girls, is under the leadership of Mrs. Woodrow Hipsher and Mrs. Paul Mains, Mrs. John Jacklam and Miss Ruth Dutton are in charge of Troop No. 2, the sixth grade girls. Troop No. 3 is composed of fifth grade scouts. Their leaders are Mrs. David Busbee and Miss Peggy Mahoney. The Brownies are divided into two groups according to age. Their leaders are Mrs. Kenneth Nogle and Mrs. Stanley McCowen.
Officers of the present association are: Mrs. Lloyd Torkelson, president, filling the unexpired term of Mrs. David Kilgore, Mrs. Walter Leineau, vice president, Mrs. Glenn Amy, secretary, and Mrs. David Busbee, treasurer.
In working for badges, the girls obtain knowledge not gotten in school. They learn first aid, child care, nature study, folk dancing - there is no limit to the number or type of projects that can be studied. And because they learn by actually doing, they obtain greater benefits.
Scouting isn't all work. The girls have parties of all kinds. At times they are entertained by the Association; more often troops have their own.
The girls are taught unselfishness by doing for others. They were instumental in collecting clothing for war refugees. They have sent and taken things to hospital patients. They have given their help at various functions for charity.
In all, Scouting has become an important part in the lives of the daughters of Igloo. It has its part in developing clean, wholesome, intelligent young women of which this community can justly be proud.
Vol. 2 No. 3 | page 1 | Jan. 16, 1953 |
Leaders of Igloo Girl Scout Troops began an intensive training course Wednesday evening. Under the direction of Miss Lois Hermann of the local faculty, the class got off to a good start. Throughout the lecture and discussion, it was obvious that Miss Hermann has not only a thorough knowledge of Scouting but of girls. The next class will be conducted Wednesday, January 21 at 7:30 p.m. The length of the course will be determined by the specific need of the leaders.
Refreshments were served at the close of the meeting by Cordellia Torkelson, association president.
Vol. 2 No. 33 | pages 1 & 8 | Aug. 14, 1953 |
Twenty-one tired dirty but glowingly happy girls returned to their respective homes Saturday after a glorious week at Bob Marshall Organization Camp.
A hundred girls from Custer, Hot Springs, Edgemont, Osage, Upton, and Igloo, with the camp staff consisting of camp director, nurse, cooks, life guard, water front assistants, unit leaders and program aides comprised the group of the beautiful camp site near Custer. The week consisted of instruction on the art of camping, nature study, swimming, arts and crafts using available material, as well as fun and frolic. The girls made new friends and found closer companionship with the old ones.
Girls who attended from Igloo are Jeanyne Facklam, Charlotte Detling, Jean Peed, Margo Iversen, Bonnie Ressiguie, Priscilla Boltz, Karen Torkelson, Yvonne Grubbs, Gabrielle Pourier, Jan Britts, Jean (sic) Ann Thompson, Mary Anne Schmaltz, Clova Iversen, Sharon Mickelson, Joyce Ritchey, Carol Gripp, Roberta Fields, Norma Nelson, Patty Jo Plumb, Kay Gibson and Etta Farrell.
Unit leaders who attended from Igloo are Mrs. John Facklam in charge of the primitive group and Miss Doris Wilkinson who helped with the younger scouts.
People who offered their services and cars to transport the group to and from camp are Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gibson, Arleigh Farrell, Bernard Boltz, Mrs. Lloyd Torkelson, Bill Grubbs, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Britts, Danny Schmaltz, Stewart Mickelson, Mrs. John Facklam, Mr. and Mrs. Casper Detling and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Iversen.
Edgemont Herald-Tribune | page 5 | Nov. 23, 1961 |
A new senior girl scout troop has been organized at Black Hills Ordnance Depot with Mrs. Owen Charles as leader.
Twenty-one Provo School girls attended the 2-day training course for Girl Scout Aides, held at the Rapid City Auditorium, over the weekend.
Upon completion of the course the girls were presented with certificates and, following fulfillment of senior scout requirements, will be able to work with Brownie and intermediate troops.
The BHOD girls, who enjoyed the hospitality of Rapid City senior and adult scouts during their stay, were Gerri Schuler, Janice Bergeleen, Janette Bergeleen, Bernetta Hagel, Sharon Mizner, Beverly Johnson, Jodeen Black, June Ladner, Barbara Bailey, Barbara Wickstrom, Virginia Schoch, Virginia Taggart, Ruth Kneival, Linda Newman, Rita Henderson, Julie Davis, Marsha Richardson, Sharon Olson, Cecilia Haas, Barbara Moore and Charlotte Burr.
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