Vol. 2 No. 13 | page 6 | Mar. 27, 1953 |
The Igloo Gun Club will hold a meeting Sunday, March 29, 2:00 p.m., at the club house. The purpose of this meeting is to organize small bore rifle and pistol teams. They will also have practice shooting as the club house is equipped with an indoor range for small arms.
Plans are being made to organize large bore rifle teams for both practice and competition with neighboring towns who already have teams.
The Gun Club has the trap shooting field layed out with pits dug for the traps and different yardages staked out from the traps. This work was done last year and the club expects to improve this field by having a small clubhouse at the trap shooting grounds and a refreshment stand for soft drinks and hot dogs.
The Gun Club shows motion pictures once a month on wildlife, guns, boating and fishing. These films are obtained through different sources and are available to clubs of this kind.
Most of the pictures are in color and show animals and birds natural to life. These pictures or films give an hour of real entertainment. The Gun Club has declared "open house" when the pictures are shown.
Anyone interested in wildlife or hunting and fishing is welcome to attend. The pictures are shown free of charge.
Vol. 5 No. 11 | page 1 | Mar. 14, 1957 |
A four man team from the Igloo Gun Club journeyed to Rapid City Sunday, March 10, to participate in the Regional Small Bore Rifle Tournament.
The team consited of Ben Artichoker, team captain; Marvin Williams, George Lord and Jack Ferdig.
The shoot started at 8:00 a.m. in the Rapid City municipal auditorium with 22 firing lanes. The Rapid City Club conducted the tournament very efficiently with a minimum of delay and confusion.
Individuals and teams were present representing Nebraska, Wyoming, Montana and South Dakota and the Army. Each shooter and team were classified in accordance with the National Rifle Association Rules into Master, Expert, Sharpshooter and Marksman classifications.
Ben Artichoker, firing as a Marksman won four out of the six medals available in his class by firing an excellent score of 765 X 800 in the individual matches. Ben was also third in the entire group of about 100 shooters, being outscored only by two Master Shooters. Marvin Williams was second in the Marksman Class.
The team, firing in the Sharpshooters class, successfully withstood the efforts of teams from three states to win the Regional Certificate. Each team member will receive a gold and bronze medal as an award. All four team members scored within a span of six points from 372-378 X 400.
This is the first time an Igloo team has participated in a Regional Shoot, and the members are very happy over the results.
The Rifle Team by its first place win has qualified to participate in the State Shoot a Pierre, S. Dak., the 26th and 27th of April. Medals and certificates won at the Regional Match will be displayed at the Indoor Range at the monthly meeting March 20.
Vol. 5 No. 32 | page 1 | Aug. 8, 1957 |
At the monthy meeting of the Igloo Gun Club called by President Marvin Williams, plans were completed to alter the indoor range. Fifteen feet will be added to Building 1406 to lengthen the range to 75 feet. NRA specifications require 50 feet from firing line to targets. The present length of 60 feet is too short to allow room for spectators or members waiting to fire and presents a safety hazard when teaching children Hunter Safety Course.
The work will be done by volunteer labor starting 12 August. Members and parents of Igloo children who have participated in club activities are urged to lend a helping hand. Needed are jack knife operators, plier electricians and Japanese dragline operators.
Vol. 5 No. 33 | page 1 | Aug. 15, 1957 |
THE IGLOO GUN CLUB Rifle Team displays in front of the
indoor range the trophies that have been earned by team members during the
1956-57 small-bore season. Included are medals, silverware, cups and a horse collar.
Standing, left to right: Jay Firnekas, club president; Marvin Williams, team captain; Ben Artichoker,
Jack Ferdig, George Lord and Jim Stewart. Team member Sam Lessert was absent when the photo was taken.
Ben Artichoker, a relatively new shooter on the Igloo Gun Club team, has been notified through the National Rifle Association official bulletin that he is ranked third in the Marksman Classification of all registered riflemen in the entire United States. The Gun Club Team firing in the Sharpshooter class is listed as 21st.
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Edgemont Herald-Tribune | page 3 | April 6, 1961 |
Members of the Black Hills Ordnance Depot Gun Club's Small Bore Rifle Team who lead the Southern Hills Rifle League by dropping but one match out of twelve this season and who have been defeated but once in three years. Left to right, kneeling Marvin Williams, Jarold Thomas, Jr., F. Bartholomew Burke, John Mutchler, Benjamin Artichoker and Alan Clark. Standing Martin Reinke, George Lord, Harvey Remington, James Stewart and Dave Bryant. Missing were Jay Firnekas and Arthur Taggart.
unknown, George Lord, Harvey Remington, Jim Stewart, Dave Bryant
Marvin Williams, Jerry Thomas, Frank Burke, John Mutschler, Ben Artichoker, Alan Clark
1958; Frank Burke, Check Wasserburger, John Mutchler, Jim Stewart, Jay Firnikas
Ben Artichoker, Marvin Williams, Jack Ferdig, George Lord
(under construction)