Vol. 2 No. 27 | page 1 | July 3, 1953 |
In order to promote greater efficiency in the maintenance of the 97 pieces of heavy equipment, BHOD has converted roomy building 1812 into the Engineer Field Maintenance Shop.
The Depot requires a lot of equipment to effectively maintain its 21,095 acres and 193 miles of road and the new shop will facilitate inspection and repair of the heavy equipment in its money-saving preventive maintenance program.
Crawler type tractors, road graders, mobile cranes and scrappers are but a few of the many kinds of heavy duty vehicles which will be kept in top operating condition at the shop.
Proud of the new shop, which is supervised by Howard Zink, Post Engineers will zealously endeaver to reach Commanding Officer, Colonel H. G. Hamilton's aim, "to have the most efficient and best equipped field maintenance shop in the entire Fifth Army Area".
It takes a big building to care for the maintenance of BHOD's big pieces of heavy equipment and Building 1812, one end of which is shown here, has been made into the new Engineer Field Maintenance Shop. Light and well-ventilated, the building is an ideal workshop for the men who keep the big pieces moving. BHOD needs a lot of equipment to effectively maintain 21,095 acres and 193 miles of roads.
William Knodel and Reuben Fischer are lowering a drive clutch into the power department of a swing boom "cat" and giving it another "life". The employees in the new shop facilitate matters by using the overhead crane.
This power saw rips through metal like melted butter. It would be difficult to ship one like this in a cake to the boys in Sing-Sing or Alcatraz but it would beat hack saw blades to standstill. Anyone who has used a hack saw in his chores around the house would revel in the speed of this automatic gadget used in the new Engineer's heavy equipment shop. Adam Mytys is sawing a steel strip.
Every piece of heavy equipment used is throughly checked at frequent intervals, in the preventive maintenance program. In dealing with this type of equipment, an ounce of prevention is worth many pounds of "bucks". Shown at left is Inspector Louis Ritter checking a "cat" with Raymond Waugh, Engineering Equipment Inspector Leader.
A high lift loader gets a bath in the shop's large wash room. Richard Gillies wields the hose in giving the piece of equipment its ablution. There are 97 pieces of heavy equipment in use in the 33-square-mile territory of the Depot.
Vol. 2 No. 33 | page 1 | Aug. 14, 1953 |
"Skip" Zink and an all-star cast showed off - - -
The occasion was the open - - -
The supporting cast of heavy equipment shop foreman Howard W. Zink, Sr., consisted of: Raymond Waugh, Louis P. Ritter, Floyd L. Collins, William Knodell, George J. Gleeck and Richard R Gillies.
Although Skip is as proud of the building as a kid with a new toy, Captain Raymond Demski, Post Engineeer, A. E. Rehberg, John Granberg and Fred Reausaw are also a bit proud of the new unit.
(under construction)