Provo School letterhead





Welcome to

Thanks to Roger Wickstrom, class of 60, this site is being hosted for two years. I plan on using this site primarily for reunion and Provo High School information.

  • The 45th All-Class reunion was July 21, 2012.
  • The 45th Igloo reunion was July 22, 2012.
  • The 46th All-Class reunion will be July 20, 2013.
  • The 46th Igloo reunion will be July 21, 2013.

Click here for the alumni newsletter.

Click here for reunion news.

Class of 44 Class of 49 Class of 54 Class of 59 Class of 64

Class of 45 Class of 50 Class of 55 Class of 60 Class of 65

Class of 46 Class of 51 Class of 56 Class of 61 Class of 66

Class of 47 Class of 52 Class of 57 Class of 62 Class of 67

65th reunion 60th reunion 55th reunion 50th reunion
Class of 48 Class of 53 Class of 58 Class of 63    68 - 72   

click here for Class Pictures

image of main gate


If you are trying to access the site you should be directed to this page. The site was hosted on AOL and as of Nov. 1, 2008 they are no longer hosting web sites. (7/24/2012, Jim Anderson) I have purchased a new domain name and hosting to get the old site up and running. is the new site. For now I will still link the to this web page ( but at some time in the future it will take you to the site. The bulletin board and email pages are posted on this site ( to keep everybody updated about reunion and non-reunion information.

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