The Edgemont Tribune; Nov. 29, 1944; For the past few weeks, news around the Fire Department has been about as plentiful as hen's teeth. Most of the boys seemed to have contracted the "deer fever" and didn't have much time for anthing else. They came home with everything except deer. However, a few of them were lucky - it took five of them to kill two deer to split amoung them, Reinhard Lorenz, Carl Rau, Wilbur Wing, Henry Hagen and Clarence Mann. Also, Ora Ogden has an elk and John Marty a deer. From a few reports the wives are all glad that the season is finally over so their children will at least know they have a father instead of coming up to them and asking, "Mother, what's my daddy look like?"
The Edgemont Tribune; Nov. 29, 1944; "Eddie" Herman of the Automotive Shop Branch fell off a cliff while deer hunting and on the sick list for a day.
The Edgemont Tribune; Dec. 13, 1944; Del Harbaugh and Fred Miller spent a few days at Martin, S. D. pheasant hunting. They report more snow and colder weather in that secion of the country.
Vol. 1 No. 48 | page 1 | Dec. 5, 1952 |
A quartet of local hunters were quite successful in bagging their quarry as the elk season opened Monday. The party, consisting of Bill Gaebler, Pat Galentine, Andy Lapinsky and Blondie Hedland, left Igloo in the wee hours of the a.m. and took up their stand in the vicinity of Buffalo Gap.
Net result of the day's hunt was a three-year old cow, downed by Hedland, and a yearling bull obtained through the combined efforts of Lapinsky and the others. Although Bill quite modestly reported the cow as weighing perhaps 500 pounds, he admitted to being a very poor guesser. Reports from the other sources (reliability unknown) placed the weight as high as 800 pounds. Regardless of the discrepancy, it was a fine speciman of the wapiti family and a fit reward for the torture of arising a 2:00 a.m. The hunters may well be proud of their prowness.
Although a number of Igloo sportsmen had elk license, no other report has reached the Walrus office as to outcome of their hunt.
Vol. 1 No. 48 | page 1 | Dec. 5, 1952 |
Major R. G. Heller is spending a few days leave of absence hunting in the Hills.