Edgemont Tribune; Sept. 8, 1948; committee members.
Dec. 1, 1948; new officers; Capt. Biever, Treasurer
Oct. 6, 1948; Youth Activities Committee of the Kiwanis Club sponsors the Sage Brush Canteen.
Vol. 1 No. 4 | page 1 | Jan. 18, 1952 |
Twenty local Kiwanians and their wives attended a banquet and installation ceremony for club officers the evening of Jan. 3. The banquet was held at the Post Cafe.
Present for the installation was Gordon Larson of Chadron, Nebr., who is Lt. Governor of Division 6 of the Rocky Mountain District. Officers installed for the year by Lt. Governor Larson were, President, Richard Franklin; First Vice President, Rev. Robert Rosenau; Second Vice President, Woodrow Hipsher; and Secretary-Treasurer, Paul Foss. The immediate Past President, George Pace, was presented with a scroll commending him for the services rendered during the past year.
After the installation of officers, the meeting adjourned to the Community Building where Rev. Chandler Sterling, of Chadron, entertained with popular and semi-classical piano selections.
Vol. 1 No. 18 | page 6 | May 9, 1952 |
The Igloo Kiwanis club was chartered May 22, 1945, with twenty-five members, in answer to the demand for a service club to aid in the development and advancement of the depot community.
Of the 3,408 Kiwanis service units in the U.S. and Canada it has the unique distinction of being the only one located on a military reservation. Of its charter membership only five members remain on its roster today: Russell Bohart, Reuben Veren, Edward R. Hoel, Paul F. Foss, active and Dr. Frank Bilger of Hot Springs, South Dakota, honorary.
Kiwanis is largely a cooperative organization helping other clubs, civic organizations and individuals in worthy causes and projects. Along this line, during its early years, it spark-plugged the school Milk Club while the Welfare Association provided the necessary finances. Other projects have been the sponsoring of a junior high school boy to Boys State, the Kiwa Park located north of the Community Building, an annual High School athletic banquet in cooperation, on a fifty-fifty basis, with the Vets Club and an annual High School Senior banquet when the students are guests of the club.
In October 1945 the club sponsored and managed the "Victory Parade" which was later called the Kiddies Day Parade. Since that year Kiwanis has made this an annual event.
The Club sponsored the Key Club, a high school boys organization, which has may worth-while accomplishments to its credit and each year it has sponosred a show as a Christmas treat to all the children of the depot.
The chief work objective of the club is for boys and girls, underpriviliged children and public affairs.
Vol. 1 No. 22 | page 4 | June 6, 1952 |
The Igloo Kiwanis Club will commemorate its seventh anniversay Thursday, June 12, with a picnic in Kiwa Park during the evening hours.
The picnic committee is arranging for a hamburger or weenie feed with all the trimmings and Koolaide drinks and ice cream.
A full attendance of the membership is urged. Come and bring your friends and relatives for a get together which will help all. Games will be had for the kids, while the adults are renewing acquaintance and visiting.
Kiwa Park is just north of the Community Center building. It has the necessary conveniences as a picnic ground with a good fireplace for cooking and tables to lunch on. The public is welcome to use Kiwa Park anytime and all that is requsted from users is to keep it clean and in order.
All Kiwanians are urged to mark this date on their calendar and to attend. The picnic only comes once a year.
Our members who are interested as mine owners in the uranium ore discovery north of Edgemont may give us talks on the new enterprise.
Vol. 2 No. 3 | page 1 | Jan. 16, 1953 |
Kiwanis Club members, their wives and guests were present at the local installation ceremony for the 1953 club officers last Thursday evening.
New club officers are: president, Rev. Robert Rosenau; first vice-present, Woodrow Hipsher; second vice-president, Edgar Hall; secretary-treasurer, Paul Foss; board of directors, Russell Bohart, Royce Shepherd, Walter Little, Don Thompson, Lt. Col. Charles Byram, Bruce Davis and Frank Martinez.
Installation proceedings were conducted by Clifford Wilson, former Lt. Governor of Division 6, Rocky Mountain District of Kiwanis at the dinner meeting.
Vol. 2 No. 4 | page 1 | Jan. 23, 1953 |
Kiwanis president, Rev. Robert Rosenau announced appointments to key committees in the local organization this week.
Don Thompson, was named chairman of the local convention committee. Kiwanis Clubs in Hot Springs and western Nebraska towns are jointly sponsoring the annual District Convention at Custer State Park during September 1953. Thompson's committee will work with similar groups from other clubs.
Other committeemen appointments are listed with the chairman named first. Attendance - Royce Shepherd, Kenneth Hertha, Tom Beimrohr, Bob McMahon; Membership - Ed Hoel, Ronald Backer, Reuben Veren, Victor Garvis: Achievements Reports - Paul Foss; Inter-Club Relations - Russell Bohart; Public Relations - William Granberg; Finance - Frank Martinez, Richard Franklin; Kiwanis Education - Walter Little; Support of Churches - Col. Charles Byram; Public and Business Affairs - Bruce Davis; Agriculture and Conservation - Paul Foss, Otis Cronk; Key Club - Arnold Syverts, George Fletcher; Boys and Girls Work - Maurice Evans; Underprivileged Child and Vocational Guidance - Sanford Witter.
Vol. 2 No. 39 | page 3 | Sept. 25, 1953 |
The Provo School Safety Patrol members have been chosen for the school year. The patrol has been reciving special instruction from William Arlt and LeRoy Lenz prior to beginning their duties, for the year.
The Igloo Kiwanis Club has agreed to sponsor the Patrol and furnish the equipment necessary for the proper performance of their duties. Raincoats and rain hats are one of the first projects.
Boys selected for the Safety Patrol are: Gary Olson, Richard Folsom, Roger Fryett, Jack Marty, Harold Pererson, David Bauer, Cecil Jones, Ronald Hagen, Norman Wilson, Lawrence Schmidt, Eugene Peery, LeRoy Doyle, Donald Johnle, and Gerald Bettelyoun. The last meeting was held Friday evening at the Community Building.
Vol. 3 No. 28 | page 3 | July 9, 1954 |
Today is 'Circus Day' for 30 Igloo kids who are guests at the Shrine Circus in Rapid City.
Sponsored by the Igloo Kiwanis Club, the local youngsters will be furnished chaperones and transportation, while the Shriners of Rapid City are making the tickets available.
Early this morning Don Thomson and his daughter, Carol loaded the kids abord the school bus for the trip. Box lunches, furnished by the Alex Johnson Hotel, will be served to the kids in the Rapid City East Boulevard Park at 11:00 a.m., this morning.
Frank Martinez, Kiwanis Club President, said he was extremely grateful to Mr. Rider of the Alex Johnson Hotel and to the Buckingham Transportation Company, which is furnishing the gas and oil for the trip.
The kids were selected from the nine, ten, and 11 year olds on the depot, by the age-old method of drawing from a hat.
Vol. 3 No. 29 | pages 1 and 7 | July 16, 1954 |
The age-old circus prerequisites, peanuts and cracker jacks were much in evidence among the thirty-four Igloo kids attending the Rapid City Shrine Circus last Friday on a trip sponsored by the local Kiwanis Club. With Don Thompson and his daughter Carol, serving as chaperones, the kids took off by bus at 8:30 a.m., depositing the kids at the picnic grounds in Rapid City in time for a tasty box lunch provided through the courtesy of the Alex Johnson Hotel.
At the Circus Grounds, the kids were taken in tow by the Shriners, who provided each with a balloon and a box of cracker jack. During intermission, 100 bottles of pop per minute were dispensed to the 700 children present.
Don Thompson said a total of five gallons of water was consumed, plus numerous candy bars on the tip to and from Rapid. Thompson also states that the children were well behaved, not only on the bus, but in Rapid City too, and were a credit to the community.
Frank Martinez, Kiwanis Club president, said he wished to thank the Provo School District for the loan of the bus, the Buckingham Transportation Co. for the gas and oil and the insurance on the bus, the Alex Johnson Hotel for the lunches and Ed Hoel and George Fletcher for their valuable assistance.
Children lucky enough to have their names drawn out of the hat, affording them an opportunity to make the trip, were as follows: Ted Grubbs, Bob Lolley, Dick Lolley, Norma Nelson, Ronald Nelson, Sharon Hudson, Pearl Robb, Cherry Robb, Kathie Schmidt, Eddie Olmstead, Lois Dappen, Theresa Giago, Mary Giago, Sandra Turnquist, Dennis Turnquist, Jimmie Anderson, Bill Muhm, Karen Worth, Charles Britton, Virginia Britton, Diana Bettcher, Richard Harman, Jerry Thayer, Cassandra Brave, Melvin Nygaard, Barbara Looking Elk, Irene Kapp, Kenneth Peterson, Louis Anderson, Clarence Richardson, Johnny Pourier, Kerma Martinez, Barbara White Eyes and Jessie Rodriquiez.
Edgemont Herald-Tribune | page 1 | Sept. 7, 1961 |
John O'Neill, immediate past president of the Black Hills Ordnance Depot Kiwanis Club, has been named Lieutenant Governor of Division Six Rocky Mountain District of Kiwanis International. O'Neill takes over leadership of the division's seven clubs in South Dakota and Nebraska, from incumbent lt. governor Guy Cook of Hot Springs.
The honor was conferred on O'Neill at the caucus of the division's delegates during the Kiwanis Rocky Mountain District Convention at Casper, Wyo. The division six clubs are: Igloo and Hot Springs, So. Dak.; Chadron, Alliance, Scottsbluff, Mitchell and Sydney, Neb.
BHOD Kiwanis Club President LeRoy F. Holst, Vice-President Major Leonard Thrasher and O'Neill were the BHOD's club delegates.
Representatives of 69 clubs in Colorado, Wyoming, Nebraska and South Dakota attended the Casper convention.
Edgemont Herald-Tribune | page 4 | Nov. 9, 1961 |
At the regular Thursday dinner meeting of the Black Hills Ordnance Depot's Kiwanis Club, Major Leonard Thrasher was named president and Richard N. Selle vice-president for 1962. Keith J. Coates was elected secretary, to secede Robert G. Troth who has held the post for two years. Carl W. Ottmann will continue as treas.
Major Thrasher who is Post Engineer, will be successor to LeRoy F. Holst, BHOD Public Information Officer. Selle is assistant chief of Finance and Accounting, Coates is Provo High School Principal, Troth is a Civil Engineer and Ottmann is a Personnel Officer at the Depot.
The BHOD Kiwanis Club enjoy a double distinction here in 1962. It is the only Kiwanis Club on a military reservation and it will be the home club of John O'Neill, the Lt. Governor of the Rocky Mountain District's Division 6.
Black Hills Army Depot Kiwanis Club honored its five remaining past presidents at the Thursday night dinner meeting held at the Officers' Club. The former prexies, sporting carnations, and Lt. Colonel Jack Carstarphen stand behind members they sponsored.
The new members, seated with president Gibb K. Stuckey in center, were, left to right: Robert Hansen, Howard Mayer, Herbert Geffre, Stuckey, First Lieutenant Russell Walden, Second Lieutenant Robert B. Hulbert, and Second Lieutenant Donald W. Mink II. Another new membrer and behind the camera, Sydney Litschewsky was also sponsored by LeRoy Holst.
the former presidents, left to right, Russell J. Bohart, the only remaining charter member of the 21 year old organization was president in 1949; Leo Gannon, 1964; John O'Neill, president in 1961 and Lieutenant Governor in 1962; Colonel Carstarphen, LeRoy F. Holst, 1962, and Archie Ireland president in 1965.
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