Vol. 1 No. 18 | page 7 | May 9, 1952 |
The Mary Martha Circle of The Lutheran Mission of Our Savior was organized on January 25th, 1944, little more than a year after the Mission was started.
Three of the original seventeen members are still living in Igloo and are members of the organization. They are Mrs. Clem McCloskey, Mrs. George Hoehne and Mrs. William Holt.
During the years the society, dedicated to the Church's service, has purchased all Hymn Books, sewed and mended for The Lutheran Hospital, Hot Springs, for the Crippled Children's School in Jamestown, North Dakota, helped to purchase a tape recorder for the church, and aided the congretation in many other ways.
During the war the group helped in the huge task of wrapping bandages and dressings for the Red Cross.
1957; Mrs. Dyer, president; Mrs. Kirby, Mrs. Guthmiller
March 28, 1957
Mary Martha Circle Holds Regular Meeting
The Mary Martha Circle held its regular meeting Monday, March 11 at 7:30 p.m. at the Community Building with 19 members and four guests in attendance. The topic, "Prayer", and devotions were led by the president,
Mrs. Leslie Dyer. After the business meeting the members spent time in quilting. Lunch was served by Mrs. Thurlow Lorenz and Mrs. William Holt, Sr., who were the hostesses for the evening.
Vol. 5 No. 32 | page 4 | Aug. 8, 1957 |
The local Mary-Martha Circle is a society of Lutheran Church members and associates which has been active upon the Depot for several yars. Their purpose is to perform duties which will benefit the local Lutheran congregation and the Kingdom of God, in general.
Various means of raising funds for use in church work are used. The group holds bake sales several times a year, and at present are busy working on quilts. Two members have hired the organization to quilt for them.
Sewing for the West River Crippled Children's Hospital has been one of the group's activities for several years. At Christmas time boxes of candy, cookies, and other homemade goodies are sent to Lutheran Church members attending seminaries and serving in the Armed Forces.
A Cradle Roll for youngsters from birth to the age of four is being considered now. This is a way to bring bible stories to the little ones, in their homes before they reach the Sunday School age.
Various films are shown to the group regularly. Each meeting has a theme, with devotions and bible study concerning this subject.
Although the organization is primarily for service to the church - it is also a means of knitting the church together by social contacts with fellow members.