Vol. 1 No. 19 | page 1 | May 16, 1952 |
Do you have the address for Frankford Arsenal? Is there a Commanding Officer or Commanding General at Raritan Arsenal? When do you write a military letter? Do you have letter OCO, dated April 7? How long does it take air-mail to reach Raritan? Does Tooele have a teletype? How long will it take a teletype to reach OCO? Is there a waiting list for phones? How do I get a phone? Can you photostat these data cards right away? We need that SOP on the 60 job today, can you do it? Will you take a picture of Personnel for the Walrus? Do you have TM 55-705, OCTI 320-6-51? Would you order a copy of ORDM 3-1 for Storage? We need additional copies of AR 35-70.
The above are typical questions answered by Message Center personnel. Acting as central distribution point for a incoming and outgoing letters, teletypes, telegrams; maintaining a central depot file; administering telephone service; and furnishing reproduction and photographic facilities are the varied functions of the Depot Message Center.
A typical month will find four to six thousand peices of mail dispatched and approximately the same amount received. Teletypes average 100 per month incoming and 100 per month outgoing. Approximately 150,000 units per month are reproduced and distributed. Over three hundred telephone subscribers are cared for from the telephone communication desk.
Charged with the full rsponsibility for the maintenance and operation of all types of communication, it can be seen that the Message Center is a vital nerve center in the administrative operation of the Depot. From here emanates the letters, orders, directives, etc. received from other depots, higher headquarters, and supply points. Speed and correctness in handling of such material is essential, so that the mission of the depot may be more properly accomplished. In reverse, the dispatch of inquiries as to proceedures and policies, reorts, requisitions, purchase orders, teletypes, etc., are handled by this Center. Addresses, textual content, correctness of replies, insuring prompt replies as required are all prime work factors and must be accomplished accurately and efficiently.
Receipt, dispatch, and filing of correspondence is accomplished by Mrs. Beverly Olsen, maintenance of communication account is performed by Mrs. Norma Hall; teletype service is the responsibility of Miss Lila Parsons; reference file of publications, directives, AR's SR's is the job of Mrs. Gladys J. Geary; messenger service is provided by Mr. Frank Vermillion and Miss Evelyn Schnitger; reproduction facilities are handled by Mr. Howard Mayer and Mr. Ronald D. Backer. The supervisor is Mr. Kilburn J. Hicks.