1953 - Jan. 30, hostesses - Mrs. Ralph Wilhelm and Mrs. Ronald Wilhelm.
Jan. 1, 1954; Mrs. Worthley, out going president; Mrs. Dewey Allgood, new president; Mrs. Sidney Petersen, V-pres.; Mrs. Fred McMillian, Sect.-Treas.; Mrs. Ronnie Wilhelm, work chairman.
1957; Mrs. J. E. Johnson, Mrs. McMillian, Mrs. Heer and Mrs. Jake Schiffner. Mrs. Dewey Allgood, Mrs. Oscar Miller, Mrs. Worthley and Mrs. De Roos
Vol. I No. 18 | page 10 | May 9, 1952 |
The Women's Missionary Band of the Interdenominational Church of Igloo had its beginning in September of 1943, with Mrs. Harvey Tiffany as president. Meetings were held in the various homes, but later changed to meeting in the Community Building on the second and fourth Thursday evenings of the month. Throughout the years the average attendance has been about 15.
Because of the Great Commission given to the Church of Christ as recorded in Matthew 28:20, "Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel", it is the purpose of the Missionary Band to interest the women of the Church in Missions, and to have a part in helping missionaries by means of prayer, gifts and the supplying of their needs. To fulfill this purpose, the organization regularly sends boxes filled with needed articles to missionaries of the chrch and other missionaries both in foreign lands and at home. At Christmas time, a special Christmas box is sent to a home miss- - -
Vol. 5 No. 32 | page 8 | Aug. 8, 1957 |
The Women's Missionary Band is the women's organization of the Ordnance Interdenominational Church. It is a group of women banded together for Christian service, which is its primary purpose. This band of women meets together on the second and fourth Thursday of each month in the Community Building.
The program for the year is taken up with propogating the Word of God in domestic and foreign lands, in stimulating the interest of church women to pray for missions. They also help in supplying needs of missionaries at home and abroad.
Time at the bi-monthly meetings is taken up with a short business meeting, a period of devotions, and hand-heart work. Light refreshments are served at each meeting.
The hand-heart work of this group is varied. Quilting, embroidering, rolling bandages for foreign mission dispensaries, collection of useable clothing, collecting and mailing used greeting cards to foreign stations for award material, collecting used commemorative and large denomination postage stamps to aid the support of a mission hospital in Africa, making up packets of supplies for outgoing missionaires are all among group activities. The Missionary Band also sponsors a Mother-Daughter observance each year.
This organization has no finance plan. There are no membership dues, an offering is received at each meeting, the cost of orders for supplies to out-going missionaries is donated by the members. Anyone who desires to serve with hand and heart is welcome to become a member of this band.
(under construction)