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The Igloo Magazine

The Igloo Magazine

Vol. 2 No. 12 page 11 March 26, 1943

Ration Notes

All drivers who have obtained gas for driving to work and have now changed their residence to a place nearer work should report the change to the Ration Board and get authorization to retain sufficient coupons to care for their present needs.

Effective April 1, 1943, tire certificates will be issued on the following basis, unless quotas have been exhausted:

240 miles per month or less Grade III
241 to 560 miles per month Grade II or III
561 miles per month or over Grade I, II or III

If the applicant eligible for a grade I tire intends to buy only a Grade II or III tire, he should specify the grade preferred on his certificate in order that it may be issued for the grade desired. Otherwise, an applicant issued a grade I tire certificate, but who purchased grade II or II, has deprived some other individual of the opportunity of getting a grade I tire, due to quota arrangements.

The following ration dates are to be remembered:

Coupons Dates
Processed Foods Stamps A, B, C. March 1 to March 31, 1943.
Processed Foods Stamps D, E, F. March 25 to April 30, 1943.
Sugar Stamp No. 12, 5 lb. value March 16 to May 31, 1943.
Coffee Stamp No. 26, lb. value March 22 to April 18, 1943.
4th Period Coupon 11 Gal. Value February 2, April 17, 1943.
5th Period Coupon 11 Gal. Value March 11, September 30, 1943.
A-Book 4 Gal. Coupon 5 - Mar. 22, May 21, 1943.
D-Book 1 1/2 Gal. Coupon 5 - Mar. 22, May 21, 1943.
Shoes Stamp No. 17, 1 pair February 8, June 15, 1943.

It is hoped that everyone will cooperate in the Share-The-Ride Program, as these drivers have obtained gas for this purpose and have essential business which qualifies them for this allowance. The gas has been issued by the ration board with the stipulation that they carry as many passengers as possible, each trip.

The local rationing representative has had considerable difficulty in obtaining gas for some of these, so it is hoped that everyone will conserve rubber as possible by combining rides and changing cars whenever possible.

All "A" book holders must have tires inspected for the first time before March 31, 1943. All B and C Book holders must have an inspection not less than 30 days nor more than 60 days after the previous inspection. Whenever the tire inspector state that your tire should be recapped, have the tire removed and examined for all inside defects that may not be apparent from the outside, then turn your tire over to a local dealer or send it away for recapping. No certificate is required.

The ration board is forbidden by the O.P.A. regulations to issue a certificate for another tire to an individual who has ruined a tire by driving it after it has been declared recapable by an inspector.

--- C. L. Holstrum

The Igloo Magazine

Vol. 2 No. 12 page 13 March 26, 1943

Share The Ride

Since the Share-The-Ride Program was inaugurated at this Depot, rides have been provided for dozens of employees who would have otherwise have had no means of coming to work.

Most of the workers who live off the Depot reside either at Edgemont or Hot Springs, which makes our Share-The-Ride Program comparatively simple. At the present there are 28 autos going back and forth to Hot Springs each day, carrying a total of 113 persons. There are 25 autos each day, from Edgemont, with a total of 95 riders. Because of the increase in "off-time" shifts, the average per car is not as high as it was a few weeks ago. However, with an average of 4.03 persons per car from Hot Springs and 3.80 from Edgemont, we do have a creditable showing, especially when it is considered that there are some coupes being used and that some of the cars coming in at odd hours cannot be loaded to capacity.

Because of changing personnel and the fact that the trend of employees is towards residence at the Depot, due to increasing housing facilities in apartments and family houses, it has been necessary to make a canvass about once a month to keep abreast of changing conditions. This has been done by forwarding mimeographed forms to the department Heads, who in turn pass them on to all employees living off the Depot. There was some difficulty experienced at first in getting these forms filled out and returned but through the help of the Igloo Magazine and the further fact that workers found that the Share-The-Ride Program could help them when rides were desired, there has been much better cooperation in recent weeks. Many car owners are now calling to advise that they have space for additional riders. It means that they will have a full car and that their expenses will be greatly reduced. This type of cooperation has been most helpful.

So if you have a vacancy in your car and want a rider; if you are going to Rapid City or some other point over the week end; or if you need a ride ---- telephone Miss Cummings on local 49. The Share-The-Ride Program was brought into being to serve you ---- use it.

--- Lt. W. V. Kee

The Igloo Magazine

Vol. 2 No. 21 page 7 March 26, 1943

Ration Notes

By Chester L. Holstrum

As most of the employees of the depot do not have a Post Office box, it will be necessary for everyone to ask for a copy of the registration blank for Ration Book No. Three. These cards are available at the Post Office in M-7, the Provo Post Office, and the ration clerk's desk in the Administration Building. All Cards should be obtained between now and June 10th, otherwise, the receipt of Book Three will be delayed. All persons failing to file their application before June 10th, will be unable to get a book until after August 1st, although the application can be sent in before that time. Those making application on time should receive Book Three by July 21st. Individuals moving to another community should try to give the address of their new home, if known, as the books will not be forwarded.

Effective May 24th and extending to October 31st, stamps 15 and 16 of Book One are good for five pounds of sugar each. This allotment is for canning purposes. An additional 15 pounds per person can be obtained upon application. The sugar allotment is figured on the basis of 4 quarts or 8 pounds of finish fruit for each pound of sugar and five pounds per person for jellies and jams. War Ration Book One must be presented to the Ration Board for the additional 15 pounds of canning sugar.

Watch the following dates:

Sugar stamp number 12 expires May 31

Stamp 23, coffee, expires May 30

Red coupons E,F,G,H expire May 31.

The second tire inspection must be completed for C Book Holders before May 31st; B Book Holders on June 30th and A Book Holders September 31st.

The Edgemont Tribune; April 4, 1945; TOWN and FARM IN WARTIME

Civilians At War

The Government needs and asks its citizens in this 174th week of the war to:

1. Plan now to take a summer job on a farm, and be one of the four million workers who are needed to meet this year's wartime food production goals.

2. Drive your car slowly, check tires regularly, lubricate frequently. Your car must last until victory - and then some.

3. Save kitchen fats. Every teaspoonful of waste fat is still needed, and the two red points per pound are more important to you than ever.


MEATS, FATS - Red Stamps T5, U5, V5, W5, and X5 good til April 28.

Red Stamps Y5, Z5, and A2, B2, C2, D2, good to June 2.

New Stamps validated April 1 - K2, L2, M2, N2, P2 to July 31.

PROCESSED FOODS - Blue Stamps C2, D2, E2, F2, and G2 to April 28.

Blue Stamps H2, J2, K2, L2, M2, to June 2.

Blue Stamps N2, P2, Q2, R2, S2, good to June 30.

NEW STAMPS validated April 1: T2, U2, V2, W2, X2, to July 31.

SUGAR STAMPS - Stamp 35 to June 2. No new stamps will be validated until May 1.

FUEL OIL - Period 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 coupons, good for ten gallons per unit, continue valid throughout the country for the rest of the heating year.

SHOES - Airplane Stamps No. 1, 2, 3, in book three continue valid indefinitely.

Sale of Ungraded Farm Eggs Now Permitted

Because of heavy demand for eggs and a relatively short supply, steps have been taken to permit the sale of "current receipt" (ungraded) eggs, f.o.b. the seller's farm, place of business or other location, OPA has announced. OPA also said that on sales to a government agency, one and one-half cents a dozen may be added to the ceiling price for eggs that have been treated for preservation by immersion in hot water followed by a coating of mineral oil.

Milk Production for 1945 Expected to Equal Last Year's Output

Milk production on farms during 1945 is expected to be at least as large as the 1944 output of 119 billion pounds, says The Bureau of Agricultural Economics. Milk cows on farms January 1, 1945, totaled 27,785,000 head, or 129,00 more than on January 1, 1944. Returns to dairy farmers, because of higher production payment rates for butterfat, probably will average higher in 1945 than in 1944. Also dairy products - feed price ratios will continue favorable to milk producers with the 1924-1943 average.

Seventh War Loan Drive

The Treasury will open the Seventh War Loan Drive on May 14, 1945, with a goal of 14 billion dollars, the Treasury Department announces. One objective of this drive will be the sale of $7,000,000,000 worth of Government Securities to individuals. This is the largest quota ever set for individuals in a war loan drive. As a part of the campaign to raise this amount, an intensive program for the sale of Series E Bonds in plants and factories will begin April 9. "It is clear," Secretary Morgenthau said, "That federal expenditures are going to remain at a high level for some time to come."

April Supply of Passenger Tires for Civilians Sharply Reduced

Only 1,000,000 passenger tires for cars and motorcycles will be available to civilians during April, as compared with the 1,600,00 available in March, OPA announced. This sharply reduced civilian tire supply is due to a decline in production caused by a serious shortage of carbon black, an ingredient used to harden synthetic rubber.

Purchasers of Passenger Car Tires Classified in Four Groups

A preferential list of occupations for use in selecting persons to receive passenger car tires has been prepared by OPA in cooperation with the War Manpower Commission. Under the new plan the number of eligibles is not reduced, but they are classified into four preference groups for the aid of Local War Price and Rationing Boards in issuing tire certificates. Group 1 is limited almost entirely to persons whose occupations are of emergency nature, and to workers at establishments faced with production emergencies. Within this group are eligible physicians, public health nurses, police and employees at critical war industries such as those producing urgently needed aircraft and ammunition that are experiencing a manpower emergency.

Group II includes persons employed in other essential plants, and those whose occupations are highly important to the war effort.

Group III includes such occupations as buyers for essential establishments.


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