The Edgemont Tribune; Feb. 14, 1945; The Red Cross drive for war funds is coming next month. The necessity of a generous response by all home people was never greater. The Red Cross is doing more today and covering more territory in its field operations than ever before. We must answer the call with our dollars.
(The Red Cross Drive netted $864. That was about a dollar for each employee.) From the Walrus; April 4, 1952; page 2; Memories; 6 Years Ago.
Vol. 1 No. 1 | page 1 | Dec. 7, 1951 |
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The Junior Red Cross Workers recently filled 150 Christmas boxes for needy children in foreign countries. Miss Hajek, Grade School Principal, and four of the Junior Red Cross Workers, Marlene Beckfield, Audry Burgquest, Melda Wright and Pearl Bad Wound, delivered the boxes to County Superintendent in Hot Springs, on Nov. 27.
Vol. 2 No. 13 | page 1 | March 27, 1953 |
The final week of the Red Cross Drive for funds in Fall River County, will mean a lot of leg work and doorbell pushing for the county's volunteer workers. With-in the next four days, according to Bob Harris, County Chairman of the drive, the workers will have to turn in $1340.00 to meet the '53 quota of $3466.00.
Although returns from out-of-town chairmen in the county have been coming in slowly, Harris is quite optimistic regarding the final outcome.
"We believe that the Red Cross' blood processing project for gamma globulin wsed in the fight against polio," Harris said, "and the program of recreational facilities planned for our boys overseas are enough incentive to make the people answer the call this year."
Harris pointed out the fact that these are only two of scores of activities pursued by the great philanthropic organization which will require a whopping 93 million dollars to operate for the fiscal year of 1953.
Although BHOD has not as yet reached its quota, it is hoped that by next Tuesday the folks at Igloo will have "answered the call", and Mr. Harris will not be disappointed.