July 9, 1954 - Saddle Club Formed - Ray Horton, first president
The Walrus; Sept. 17, 1954; In formation for their first formal portrait are members of the Igloo Saddle Club. The group, organized this summer, has many activities planned and membership is open to local residents.
From left to right are: Oval Patterson, Jesse Sears, Mrs. Floyd Larson, Magnus Holm, Emma Newman, Mrs. Magnus Holm, Elsbeth Schneider, Jim McKnight, Jack Lee, Ray Horton.
Aug. 26, 1956 - First Annual Field Day (Saddle and Roping Club)
Aug. 8, 1957 - Jess Sears - spokesman for board; Ron Emery - vice-president.
Vol. 5 No. 37 | page 1 | Sept. 12, 1957 |
On Sunday at 1:30 p.m., with a large crowd in attendance, the Igloo Saddle Club's second Annual Field Day got off to a good start by the Grand Entry consisting of flag bearers, officials, cowboys and cowgirls. The National Anthem being played by the Provo Band officially opened the days festivities. The band also provided several other musical selection during the afternoon.
The rodeo provided calf roping, bronc riding, barrel races, rescue races, ribbon roping, cow cutting and ended with the kids calf scramble and what a scramble it was. Twenty boys and girls all trying for that ribbon on the tail of ten calves. Each child bringing a ribbon to the judges stand received one dollar.
If you didn't see those bucking broncs you missed something. This was matched bronc riding by Art Lawrence of Igloo and Jerry Anderson of Harrison. Anderson received 468 points and Lawrence 311 points.
The winners of the calf roping were Semeroske first, Jackie Grieves, second and Bruce Quintard third. In cow cutting Dr. F. R. Williams of Rapid City first, Dave Jacobs second, and Clara Sedgewick and Ted Jacobs tied for third. In barrel racing Madeline Groty first, Clara Sedgewick, second and Barbara Quintard third. Ribbon roping had Jiggs Mader first, Jack Grieves second and Don Spencer third. Grab bag race was won by Andy Anderson, pole bending by Clara Sedgwick and rescue race by Jack Manke.
Vol. x No. xx | page 4 | July 7, 1966 |
mid 1954 - membership 33, in 11 yrs. 150 people were members, at least 8 rodeo events - Jessie Sears, Art Lawrence, Johnnie Richardson, Wilfred LaPlant, Emma Newman - charter member