Vol. 1 No. 1 | page 1 | Dec. 7, 1951 |
The Freshman Class topped the Honor Roll for the second six weeks. The following is a complete list of the Honor Roll by classes:
Yvonne Heppner, Darrel Hoar, Beverly Johnson, James Mickelson, Jan Morrison, Daryle Roth and Marilyn Silvernale.
Delano Hughes, Max Ollerman and Lois Yardley.
Monte Birdsall and Tom Veren.
Ruth Cronk, Rose Dennison, Evelyn Konrath, Paul Lienau, Janet McKinney, Richard Martinez, Marilyn Morrell, Pere Nelson, Vern Olmstad and Carol Thompson.
The following students have a perfect attendance record for the second six weeks period, being neither tardy nor absent:
Carol Bettcher, Monte Birdsall, Derwin Bonenberger, Bill Burnison, Ruth Cronk, Rose Dennison, Janice Detling, William Harmen, Jo Ann Imme, Rosemary Kilgore.
Doris McCleary, Janet McKinney, Dixie Lee Morgan, Marily Morrell, Donald Mueller, Francis Nelson, Dorothy Stearns, Jacquline White, Betty Wohl and Elmer Wohl.
Another of the series of National Assembly Programs was presented to the pupils at 3:00 o'clock on Monday, Nov. 26. It consisted of the Garcia's, a sister and brother dancing team. Their program featured several Foreign Folk Dances such as the Mexican Hat Dance, International Ribbon Dance, Spanish Castanet Dance, Fire Dance and Chiapanecas Clapping Dance.
School children are helping conduct a used clothing drive on the depot this week for needy families in Korea, nations in Europe and the United States.
The Junior Red Cross Workers recently filled 150 Christmas boxes for needy children in foreign countries. Miss Hajek, Grade School Principal, and four of the Junior Red Cross Workers, Marlene Beckfield, Audry Burgquest, Melda Wright and Pearl Bad Wound, delivered the boxes to County Superintendent in Hot Springs, on Nov. 27.
Vol. 2 No. 3 | page 3 | Jan. 16, 1953 |
A meeting of the students interested in forming a science club was held Tuesday, January 6, immediately after school.
It was decided that the regular time for meetings should be at 4:00 o'clock every Tuesday afternoon. A meeting place was designated and a constitution adopted.
The club will be divided into three divisions; photography, meterology and radiology. At the next meeting an election of officers will be held. Anyone interested is invited to attend the meeting.
(under construction)