Edgemont Tribune; Feb. 18, 1948; good article on Vets Club team by Archie Gilfillan
Feb. 25, 1948; Three Igloo players on all-tournment team; Bill Gaebler, Leonard Quick Bear and Seth Irving. Team managed by Bill Gaebler, coached by Percy Pourier. Bud Poole involved with team.
Vol. 2 No. 6 | page 7 | Feb. 6, 1953 |
Members of the Igloo Vets Club basketball squad are, left to right.
Front row - Max Ollerman, Glen Silburn, Allen Cooper, Richard Miller, Delano Hughes and Raymond Cottrell.
Back row - Lyle Blair, William Gaebler, Pete Parmenter, Donald Bassett, Leonard Quick Bear, Vincent Goodman
and Manager George Cottrell.
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