Vol. III No. 7 | page 5 | July 23, 1943 |
A good crowd attended the investiture of the new troop of Boy Scouts at the Black Hills Ordnance Depot Thursday evening, July 15, 1943. A platform was set up near the Scout headquarters. It was decorated with bunting and benches were provided for the audience. Many people stayed in their cars and listened to the program, which was broadcast over a loud speaker system.
Fire Chief L. J. Bingham, representing the Fire Department which sponsored the troop, acted as master of ceremonies, introducing the principal speakers.
The program was opened with a half-hour band concert by the Black Hills Ordnance Band playing appropriate numbers. Colonel Hubert W. Keith, Commanding Officer and Honorary Chairman of the troop committee, gave a brief talk as did Captain A. F. Rice, Post Engineer and Advancement Chairman of the troop committee, and Mr. L. E. Johnsonbaugh, Civilian Head of the Fiscal Department and business manager of the troop.
Colonel Keith in his talk laid stress on the fact that the majority of the leaders of today, both Military and Civilians, had scout training in their youth and it is to boys like these that future generations will look for leadership in straightening out the present world tangle.
Captain Rice paid tribute to the Scoutmaster for his excellent leadership and training of the troop and made a plea to the parents for full and complete cooperation in the activities of their children.
Mr. Johnsonbaugh expressed the appreciation of the civilians for the helpful attitude taken by the Officers of the Depot toward the civilian residents.
Mr. W. O. Freund, chairman of the troop committee, introduced the Scoutmaster, Mr. Enoch Stienecker, on behalf of the Black Hills Area Council, whose representatives, Mr. C. A. Bailey and Dr. F. W. Bilger, were unable to attend. Mr. Stienecker directed the boys in knot tieing, songs, and fire building demonstrations.
Near the close of ceremonies, Colonel Keith presented an American flag to the troop, a gift of the Fire Department, while the band played the National Anthem. The ceremonies ended with Scoutmaster's benediction by Mr. Stienecker.
Captain Kraemer outdid himself in arranging benches, loudspeakers, flag stand, and speakers' platform for the Boy Scout Investiture. "It was nothing Bill," He said. "I'd do anything for the boys." Help like that is appreciated more than words can tell.
The name of the new Boy Scout Troop was announced as "Igloo" which polled a vote of 1620 while its nearest competitor "Flaming Bomb", polled 1347. A total of 4625 votes were cast, and $55.00 was collected. The money will be used to buy troop equipment. The Boy Scouts are now well launched at B.H.O.D. and it is hoped that several troops will be in existence before the year is out.
"Cubbing" for younger boys, too young for scouts is contemplated, but as far no organization on the Area seems willing to take the responsibility for sponsorship. There are many more boys here between the ages 9 and 12 than of scout age, and the need is great for an organized boys' program for them. The Cub movement would fill the need exactly. A very capable leader for the boys has been obtained, but a sponsoring group who will take an interest and supervise and help in putting over the program is necessary. Any organized group interested is urged to contact W. O. Freund, telephone 21 or 108.
Vol. 4 No. 21 | page 3 | June 2, 1944 |
It was very encouraging to see as large an attendance of the residents of this Depot at the Boy Scout Court of Honor and hope that we are correct in delieving that it is an indication of increasing interest in the Boy Scouts.
There were 86 Scouts present at the ceremony, both from Edgemont and the Depot troups. A large number of the boys received their Tenderfoot award, which is the first stop in Scouting. Quite a number were awarded their Second Class rating and there were three Scouts who received their Star award, which is the first stop towards becoming an Eagle Scout. Receiving the Star means that a boy has been an active First Class Scout for at least three months and has earned five merit badges. His next step is three months service as a Star Scout and earning five more Merit Badges which must include Merit Badges on First Aid, Physical Development or Athletics, Personal Health, Life Saving, Pioneering or Safety. If anyone thiks that these Merit Badges are a cinch I would advise him to try to pass one of the and find out how difficult they are. They require considerable study and observation on the part of the Scout passing them.
The ceremony opened with the two troops marching in and standing at attention during a special Flag ceremony, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Then came an impressive candlelighting ceremony, with the Spirit of Scouting being the first candle lit. After a short explanation of the ceremony by the Soutmaster, 15 candles were lit, each representing one of the three points of the Scout Oath and one each for the twelve Scout Laws. After the candles were lit the Court of Honor convened in the presence of our Commanding Officer, Col. James L. Keasler, L. E. Caulkins as President, L. E. Johnsonbaugh, W. O. Freund, Fire Chief L. J. Bingham, and Dr. J. W. Bilger, National Scout Commissioner. Mr. Johnsonbaugh awarded the Tenderfoot Badges, Mr. Freund the Second Class and Chief Bingham the merit badges and Colonel Keasler awarded the Three Star award earned by Fred Barham and Lawrence Cozine of Igloo Troop 68, and Keating of the Edgemont Troop. Dr. J. W. Bilger talked on Scouting and the thrill he received from seeing such a large attendance, stating that he had attended a great many Courts of Honor but never had he seen as large an attendance of adults at any as were present at this one. The Court was dismissed with the Scoutmaster's Benediction by Mr. Crawford, Scoutmaster of the Edgemont Troop, followed by the playing of the national anthem.
The Edgemont Tribune; Feb. 21, 1945; Boy Scout Week closed at Igloo with a Court of Honor in the auditorium of the Community Building Wednesday. Some 500 people attended. The Ceremonies opened with a short band concert followed by the regular troop meeting opening. The impressive candle light ceremony was used and was very effective and warmly received by the audience. At the end of the ceremony, the court convened and made 39 awards, ranging from Tenderfoot to Life Scout Awards. The Life Awards were made by Major Fred A. Kraemer, designated as the personal representative of the Commanding Officer, Col. James L. Keasler, who was unable to attend. The Troop at Igloo has doubled in number since Scout Week a year ago, with a total registration of 60 scouts. Plans are now afoot to increase this membership substantially.
Vol. 1 No. 18 | page 1 | May 9, 1952 |
Your Anniversary Edition of The Walrus this week has been delivered to your door by the Boy Scouts of Igloo, who were up early this morning to make sure that you received your copy in plenty of time to plan your activities for tomorrow.
Vol. 2 No. 26 | page 4 | June 26, 1953 |
- - - Attending from Igloo were John and Bill Granberg.
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Vol. 3 No. 13 | page 3 | March 26, 1954 |
Igloo Boy Scouts, under the supervision of John Granberg, will take part in a concerted effort, throughout the State, to "Keep South Dakota Green."
The State Department of Fish, Game and Parks has put out some small green and white decals, one and a quarter by three inches, urging car occupants to refrain from throwing cigarettes from cars.
The Scouts will place stickers on cars at the Post Service Station tomorrow.
Vol. 3 No. 33 | page 1 | Aug. 6, 1954 |
The Father and Son Banquet, held at the Post Restaurant last Sunday, was not only a social success but a gustatory triumph. Between munching on generous portions of chicken and relating experiences at Camp Broadaxe this summer, the scouts got better acquainted with Pop, and a delightful time was had by all.
The Boys Scouts, and the Scout Committeemen, are very grateful to the Vets Club for its magnaninous gesture in sponsoring the week trip to the famed Broadaxe Camp, at a cost of $162.50.
The Scouts also deeply appreciate the great service rendered by parents who used their cars to take the lads to camp, and back.
Vol. 5 No. 11 | page 6 | March 14, 1957 |
Three Boy Scout patrols of the local scouts journeyed to the Evans Plunge at Hot Springs for a two hour splash last week as a reward for a commendable attendance and conduct record they set at meetings for the month.
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Committeemen Bill Krantz and Elmer Sebring and Scout Master Morris Rogers provided the transportation for the boys to the splash party.
Enjoying the trip and the swimming activity were: Ric Rogers and Jerry Lanphear, patrol leaders; Dick Sebring and Jimmy Anderson, assistant patrol leaders; Bob Schnitger, Kenny Erickson, Jessie Sears, Jerry Sears and Dale Ludington, patrol scouts.
Edgemont Herald-Tribune | page 1 | Nov. 16, 1961 |
Black Hills Ordnance Depot Boy Scout Troop 68 will play host to scouts from Edgemont and Hot Springs at a camporee this weekend, Nov. 17-18-19.
Camping on the Depot's old football field, (Fletcher Field, in Combat Area) JLA 70 scouts will display scouting skills in an effort to promote more interest in the area's Boy Scout program.
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