obit for Jerry Biever; at the start of World War II. At this time, he and seven other Hot Springs firemen formed the nucleus of what became a very large fire department at the newly formed Igloo ordnance depot. He worked there for 25 years. Starting as a captain, he later became assistant fire chief.
Vol. II No. 12 | page 8 | March 26, 1943 |
Reconnaissance means "to make a preliminary examination." In our company school of instruction, Chief Bingham explained a bulletin on the above word. We learned that it is as important to an army to know the location of the enemy, the best way to approach him and the topography over which the troops must travel, as it is to have a well manned and well equipped armed force. In fire service it is a continued battle.
This is only too true here at Provo, with the mud in such quantities and with such sticking qualities as compares only with the variety of mud at Guadalcanal.
Modern fire methods are like modern warfare methods, they must be based upon exact knowledge of the possible behavior of the enemy.
Surveillance, Reconnaissance, and Inspection are but three of the words, the meaning of which the Firemen must put into daily practice.
A visitor from the Ammunition Area made the remark one day in the apparatus room, "If the fire equipment never left this building, it would be worth many times what it cost."
The lessons we are learning in preparedness and elimination of hazards are becoming as important as the ways to overcome an emergency, provided one occurs.
The Fire Department had two stations, one in the Administration Area and a smaller one in the Combat Area.
The Edgemont Tribune; Dec. 13, 1944; There is always some excitement in the Fire Station on the first of each month. Quite a amount of speculation as to who will go to Station No. 2 in shift change and the unlucky ones gather their belongings and march off for 30 days exile.
The Edgemont Tribune; April 4, 1945; Six phones installed on poles in housing area - not to be confused with fire phones.
Vol. 2 No. 6 | page 3 | Feb. 6, 1953 |
The Fifth Army Safety Achievement Award is presented with congratulations to Chief Loren J. Bingham of the Igloo Fire Department by Col. H. G. Hamilton, the Black Hills Ordnance Depot's commanding officer.
The award was given the department in recognition of the completion of a full year without the loss of a single man-hour, due to a disabling injury sustained on the job.
Present at the ceremony, held at the Depot's Fire House were: Front row left to right: Raymond Gayhart, Enoch Stienecker, Thurman McBride, Kenneth Hendersen, Albert Yunko, John A. Marty, Don DuBois, Stan LaChance, Cecil Maxfield, Henry Hagen and Capt. Ray W. Demski, Post Engineer and Fire Marshal.
Standing, left to right: Reinhold Krein, Ernest Heppner, Reinhard Lorenz, Arthur Morgan, Glen R. Evans, Hugh Hutchison, Charles Mann, Norman Ribble, Archie Stortroen, Albert Bingham, Louis Gukeisen, and S. A. Skaar, Safety Engineer.
Other members of the department not shown are: Kenneth Gibson, Charles Canfield, Mathew J. Biever, Edward J. Biever, Edward J. Skinner, Ray Vorce, Louis Rickard and William Holt.
Vol. 3 No. 50 | page 1 | Dec. 10, 1954 |
Shown in the picture above are only four of the twenty-seven of Chief Bingham's firefighters, all of whom have been delegated by Santa Claus as his official Helpers. "Old Saint Nick" has instructed his helpers to recondition and renovate the many toys and toy parts that have been so graciously contributed by the thoughful and generous folks of this community spirited city.
Spark plugged by Donald DuBois the following personnel of the Fire Prevention and Protection Department: Edward Biever, Thurman McBride, Kenneth Gibson, Mathew Biever, Lewis Gukeisen, William Holt, Reinhold Krein, Arthus Morgan, Albert Bingham, Raymond Gayhart, Reinhard Lorenz, John Marty, Archie Stortroen, Charles Canfield, Henry Hagen, Kenneth Henderson, Ernest Heppner, Hugh Hutchison, Norman Ribble, Louis Richard, Ray Vorce and Albert Junko, (Yunko) plus Enoch Stienecker, who was called from the ranks by the Supreme Master, and Glenn Evans and Stanislaus LaChance, who have left the Department, have rebuilt and reconditioned well over 200 toys that will bring joy and the Christmas spirit to that many kiddies here, and at the Crippled Childrens' Hospital at Hot Springs.
Among the toy items are about 25 large pieces such as trykes, wagons, sleds, chairs, and tables, included in the 125 to 135 smaller toys are airplanes, tractors, dolls, trains, games, air rifles, tops, and farm and construction vehicles.
This Fire Department Christmas cheer project called into play a diversity of craft skills possessed by the 'smoke-eaters' such as, welding, woodworking, electrical work, general fix-it techniques, and painting. It is obvious, from a gander at the huge array of reconditioned toys, that Santa's Helpers are not allergic to fire-engine red as an attractive Christmas color.
The distribution of the toys will be handled by a Community Chest Committee comprised of Don DuBois, Red Amy, and Jim Stewart.
This commendable activity was started last Christmas season and since then the volume of contibutions has more than doubled. The entire personnel engaged in this worthy activity are emphatic in their expression of appreciation to all the folks who have contributed toys and toy parts for the project and they sincerely hope that anyone having toys for the next year's program will start saving them now in order that they might again be able to bring Christmas cheer to the kiddies who, might not have it were it not for the gratuitous services of the folks so sincerely interested in making Christmas a joy to so many youngsters who otherwise might not be so fortunate.
Vol. 5 No. 51 | page 8 | Dec. 24, 1957 |
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Kenneth Gibson and Fire Chief Don DuBois look over the fine selection of toys which will be distributed to needy kids in the community this evening. The toy project has been an annual affair with the Fire Department. Toys this year were donated by Igloo citizens and those in need of repair were renovated by the Fire Department employees during off-duty hours. Financial assistance for spare parts was given by the BHOD Community Fund. Seals will be chairman of the 1958 Community Fund. Gibson is chairman of the 1957 Communtiy Fund Committee. |
Rattlerette; Oct. 12, 1956
Fire Prevention is indeed a life-time job for each and every one of us. We must constantly be alert and ready to "prevent" fires, for they are much easier to "prevent", than to "put" out.
Our local firemen do much the year around to keep us safe from fire hazards. They must be ready at all times to "put out" the fires that we don not "prevent". Here is a list of our local firemen who deserve alot of credit for the work they are doing.
Robert A. Meech, Fire Marshall
Donald W. Dubois, Fire Chief
Edward J. Biever; Mathew J. Biever; Albert W. Bingham,; Charles W. Canfield; Glenn R. Evans; Raymond J. Gayhart; Kenneth R. Gibson; Lewis E. Gukeison; Henry W. Hagen; Kenneth G. Henderson; Ernest E. Heppner; William T. Holt; Hugh C. Hutchison; Reinhold L. Krein; John A. Marty; Reinhard A. Lorenz; Arthur G. Morgan; Thurman W. McBride; Norman C. Ribble; Louis Rickard; Frank A. Skinner; Archie P. Stortroen; Roy M. Vorce; Albert L. Yunko.
Edgemont Herald-Tribune | page 5 | Nov. 23, 1961 |
13 fire prevention-conscious pupils of Provo elementary school at Black Hills Ordnance Depot proudly displayed the badges of office of the list of responsibilities they shoulder as Junior Fire Marshalls. The youngsters have accepted the responsibility - - -
(Terry Hall, Gerry Bangert, Dennis Sebring, Larry Sieverson, Vicky Roller, Debra Bauer, Helen Olson, Anthony Brave, Gary Taggert and Mike Schoch. Kneeling are, Timothy Bush, David Olivas and Mark Knoepfle.)
(under construction)