Vol. II No. 12 | page 4 | March 26, 1943 |
Sergeant Tinsley, drill instructor, states that drill work for all shifts will be resumed soon. Until just recently, the winter weather has made it impossible to continue this work. Tinsley is also instructing the fire fighting in order formation.
Spring has come
The grass is riz'
I wonder where
The flowers is,
At any rate, Spring is undoubtedly just around the corner. The Guards have reported hearing meadow larks, as well as many other signs.
According to the old saying, is the young man's fancy turns to thoughts of love. Not so true this year, however, for many are beginning to plan a Victory garden, and are, in sort, Victory Garden conscious. We all know that we must conserve food in order to win this war, and now is as good a time as any to begin. Where it is at all possible, begin now to plan a Victory Garden as a means of food conservation, thus helping your Government, in this time of uncertainty.
Sergeant Phil and Mrs. McFayden went to Rapid City last Monday evening to consult surgeons regarding the latter's health. Mrs. McFayden may require operative relief.
Captain "Clancey" returned to his duties last Sunday after a week's leave of absence. We carried on to the best of our ability while you were gone, Captain, but it's really grand to have you back on the good old BHOD Guard force again.
Mr. Patterson, First Aid Instructor, announced the beginning of an advanced course of First Aid. This class started March 24, and is a two-hour course. Those having completed the Standard Course are eligible.
Two new girl Guards have been added to the force since the last edition: Mrs. Shelby, of Edgemont, South Dakota, and Rose Katherine Wiedenmeyer, from Roscoe, South Dakota. Welcome, Ladies!!
Vol. II No. 21 | page 12 | May 28, 1943 |
Says Guard Torve, coming off the "Graveyard Shift", "I was just been thinking that if some people I know that TNT for brains, they wouldn't have enough to blow their nose." Now, that thought is the result of too much contemplative night introspection.
William "Private" Riley of the Force has been ill for several days with a severe cold, affecting his throat and lungs. Riley, veteran policeman, is one of the most efficient police guards on the Force and we hope he will be able to resume his duties soon.
Some of the guards blossomed out in the new summer uniform this week. It is shirt and trousers, color suntan, in mercerized goods and a helmet, cranium covering. The helmet is shaped the same as those used by war combat troops. The new outfit is not very nifty; but it is cool and comfortable, fitting for Provo hot sunshine.
All patrol cars and posts are now equipped with first aid kits for rattlesnake bite treatment.
David Davis of Buffalo Gap, this State, has joined the force. Dave is an all round horse wrangler and cowboy. Maybe he will have charge of breaking those "400 bronco mounts for the guard"? Guard Rhyland has agreed to ride the first thirteen bareback.
Lee Jones is leaving this week end for a few days visit at his old home grounds in Wyoming.
1947 RIF - guards lost 17 - at one time had 210 employees
Vol. 2 No. 5 | page 1 | Jan. 30, 1953 |
In recognition of their laudable acheivement in putting in a total of 41,609 man-hours without loss of time due to injury, the guard force receives hearty congratulations from Col. H. G. Hamilton. The commanding officer is shown presenting the Fifth Army Safety Award certificate to Captain Joseph Marsh, of the guards. Giving tacit approbation of the ceremony are, front row: D. V. Goodman, J. L. Corbett, Kenneth Stuen, Dewwy Allgood and B. H. Ferdig. Second row: P. J. Sinclair, Robert D. Cummings, M. S. Miles, Fred F. Bryant and Melvin Heck. Back row: Alfred O. Russell and Frank Kalal. S. A. Skaar, Safety Engineer, is partially hidden by the Colonel.
Vol. 2 No. 26 | page 1 | June 26, 1953 |
First Lt. Shirley F. Strange, the new Provost Marshal, is a native of the "show me" State, born at Dadeville, Missouri. He has been in the Military Police Corps for the past eleven years and has just returned to the states after a two-year hitch in the Far East Command. Lt. and Mrs. Strange have three daughters and a son, Kay, age ten; Patricia, five; Mary four; and David, three.
Jan., 1954; the following were listed as members of the police force (the headline refers to them as depot guards and the article refers to them as police); Harry Wing, Alfred Breen, Norman Wynia, Kenneth Stuen, Herbert Goffre, Ernest Jeppeson, William Gaebler, Dean Sampsell, Robert Cummings, Jay Firnekas, Ronald Wilhelm, Charles Young, Cecil Kruse, Dewey Allgood, LeRoy F. Lenz, Delaire F. Tusow, Frank Kalal, Albert Balliet, Dale Tusow, Daniel Van Goodman, James Lewin, Fred F. Bryant, George Cathcart, David R. Forney, Floyd Foster, Melvin W. Heck, Clair S. Jones, James L. Jones, Edward J. Leary, Maurice S. Miles, Kenneth A. Mowry, Chester R. Nafziger, Douglas Roberts, Alfred O. Russell, Glen A. Sealey, Roy Solomon, Jimmie Stroud, Stanley L. Tinsley and Donald W. Underwood, Joe Marsh and Lt. S. F. Strange
March 28, 1957
BLACK HILLS ORDNANCE Depot Commander Colonel Don M. Hoffman is shown presenting Military Police Captain Jerry Cappa a Safety Award Certificate. The award is representative of an outstanding record of 12 years, to January 1, 1945 to January 1, 1957, for no man hours loss of time due to injury for the 30 members of the Police Department. Observing the presentation, front row, left to right are: Security Administrative Officer, Joseph Marsh, Harry Wing, Kenneth Mowry, James Lewin, Frank Vermillion, Daniel Goodman and Stanley Tinsley. Back row, left to right, Norman Wynia, Kenneth Stuen, William Gaebler, Frank Kalal, Ronald Wilhelm, Alfred Breen and Robert Cummings. (Photo by Schuler)
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