Vol. 1 No. 39 | page ? | Oct. 3, 1952 |
Vol. 2 No. 39 | pages 1 and 2 | Sept. 25, 1953 |
Igloo kids will be feted tomorrow during the local National Kids Day celebration which will be sponsored by the Kiwanis Club.
Starting the day which will honor the nation's boys and girls there will be the Kiddies Day Parade, an annual event since 1946. It is expected 300 local grade school and pre-school youngsters will be vying with each other for the $50 in cash prizes.
Arnold Syverts, Parade Marshall said the kids would assemble in the parking lot south of the school at 9:00 a.m. There will be four divisions, pets, costume, comic and floats, which will march in that order. A colored tag with number will be pinned to each contestant to aid the judges in selecting the winners in each division.
Kiwanians in charge of each section are: pets, Verdell Haakeson, orange tags; costume, Dick Franklin, white tags; comic, Ed Hall, pink tags; and floats, Arnold Syverts, yellow tags. High School Key Clubbers and Boy Scouts will assist in arranging each section.
Syverts said prizes of five dollars, three dollars and two dollars would be given for first, second and third plane winners respectively in each section with a ten dollar grand prize going to the best entry in the entire parade. The Grand Prize Winner will not be eligible for division prizes.
Boy Scouts, acting as color bearers, will lead off the parade at 9:30 sharp. The Provo High School Band will follow. The parade will turn right on Custer Raod from the parking lot, follow Custer Road to the alley between the Bowling Alley and the Vets Club, and then turn right down the alley. From there it will go to the left of the wire netting back of the home plate at the softball field. Entries will pass in review in front of the judges stand which will be located in the softball bleachers and then line up by divisions in the infield. Each division will pass in review a second time for final judging.
Following the parade, or at 11:00 a.m., whichever is later, athletic events for the kids will be held on the softball field. Dashs, three legged races and relays are planned.
At 2:15 p.m., all pre-school and grade school children will be treated to a free show at the local theatre. High school students and adults will be admitted free if accompanying a child.
Vol. 2 No. 40 | pages 1 and 2 | Oct. 2, 1953 |
National Kids Day celbrated here last Saturday was praised by local residents as the biggest and best since its inception in 1946.
A parade of over 150 kids packed the softball bleachers with local residents during the judging. Winning the ten dollar grand prize were John and Jerry Shedden, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Shedden.
First, second and third place division winners were as follows: Pets Division - Fred Schuler, Margaret Ann Shepherd, Bonnie Stuen; Comic Division - Pauline and Lorenyon Bettleyoun, Scotty Dyer and Bruce Rosenau, Roger Nelson; Costume Division - Susan Hagen, Teddy and Tommy Facklam, Charles and Bobby Bush; Floats Division - Donnie Heer, Patricia Wilhelm and Linda Hagen, David Martinez and Claudy Hahn.
In the athletic events following the parade Clova Iverson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Iverson, made a clean sweep of first place spots in the various girls races. Donna Imme, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Imme, also placed in all events.
First, second and third place winners were as follows: Boys foot race, 6 to 10 years - Terry Selock, Kenneth Petersen, LeRoy Aman; Girls foot race, 6 to 10 years - Sharon Hudson, Golria Lachelt, Kathryn Schmidt; Boys foot race, 10 years and up - Dick Coen, LeRoy Doyle, Cedric Goodman; Girls foot race, 10 years and up - Clova Iverson, Jane Miller, Donna Imme; Boys sack race - Dick Coen, Gerald Bettelyoun, Larry Nelson; Girls sack race - Clova Iverson, Donna Imme, Rita Wright; Boys three-legged race - LeRoy Doyle and Eugene Peterson, Norman Wilson and Danny Benoist, John Tasso and George Boltz; Girls three-legged race - Clova Iverson and Donna Imme, Rita Wright and Jane Miller, Carol Houska and Amy Johnson; Boys bicycle race - Danny Benoist, Cecil Jones, Ronnie Hagen; Girls bicycle race - Clova Iverson, Lola Ward, Donna Imme; Izzy Dizzy race won by eighth grade boys.
W. W. Hipsher, general chairman of the celebration said the splendid cooperation of the Boy Scouts and High School Key Club members in assisting with the parade did much toward making it a success.
Vol. 2 No. 41 | page 2 | Oct. 9, 1953 |
Saturday, September 26, the children of Igloo held full reign on the Annual Kiddies day sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Igloo. Main feature of the day was a parade in the forenoon followed by races and a free movie for the children in the afternoon. Pictured above left to right: Jimmy and Pauline Bettelyoun, winners of the comic division; Freddie Schuler, winner of the pets event; Donnie Heer winner of the floats; and John and Terry Shedden who won the grand prize. Susan Hagen, petite winner of the costume division was not present when the picture was taken.
Vol. 5 No. 38 | page 1 | Sept. 19, 1957 |
An estimated 110 Igloo youngsters will vie for top honors a week from Saturday September 28 in the 12th Annual Kiddie Day Parade.
The event, sponsored by the BHOD Kiwanis Club has been an annual affair since its inception in 1945. Ed Hall, Parade - - -
Vol. 5 No. 40 | page 1 | Oct. 10, 1957 |
Over one hundred youngsters took part in the 12th Annual Kiddie Parade held Saturday September 28.
Spectators lined the street to watch the youngsters as they marched behind the Provo Band on the way to the Community Building for judging. Evidence was apparent that parents and children had spent a great deal of time in preparation for the contest.
First, second and third place winners in each division were as follows: Pets, Barbara Wickstrom, Monte McCleery and Rita Skroch (tied for second), Connie McCleery; Girls Beautiful Costume, Debbie Moran, Cecilia Lawler, SuzAnne Noller; Boys Beautiful Costume, Sandra Rose and Lee Jones, Schuyler Lee, Cathy and Brent Cooper; Girls Comic, Patty and Bob Gabriel, Wanda Borg. Linda and Shirley Trowbridge; Boys Comic, Paul Meier, Ronald Trotter, Bobby Bush; Comic Float, Bill McKee, The Odell Float composed of Bill, Donald and Bob Ottman and Lonnie and John Odell, Deborah Heck; Beautiful Float, Jerry and Kenny Trowbridge, Cheryl Hendrix and Beverly Johnson.
The out of town judges were John Simons, Clarence Calland, Charles Wasserberger, Twila Rabe, Don Weckworth and Rev. Ralph Leonard. The event was sponsored by the BHOD Kiwanis Club.
Vol. xx No. xx | page x | xxxx xx, 1959 |
The first call for the Kiwanis annual Kiddie Parade scheduled at Black Hills Ordnance Depot September 19 went out this week, according to Ed Hall BHOD Kiwanis Club President.
The 1959 Kiddie Parade marks the fouteenth time for the event. The annual Kids' Day observance by the local Kiwanis club as well as clubs throughout the fifty states and - - -