image of main gate



Dec. 8-22, 1948; "Little Nell" presented by Kiwanis Club to raise funds for their Christmas Party.

The Walrus

The Walrus

Vol. 2 No. 1 page 1 Jan. 2, 1953

Theater Group Plans Organizing

A call was issued this week for those interested in organizing a Little Theater Group.

Depot residents interested in acting, working on scenery, costume designing, prompting, directing, and other fields of dramatic endeavor are invited to attend a meeting at the Community Building, January 7 at 7:00 p.m. The organization is planned for Depot residents who are no longer in high school.

If sufficient interest is shown, plans call for the organizing of a Little Theater Group to sponsor plays and other dramatic productions in the community. Probably one play will be produced early this spring.

The Walrus

Vol. 2 No. 6 page 2 Feb. 6, 1953

Dramatic Group To Present Comedy

According to plans now under way, the Igloo Little Theater Players will present a three-act comedy at the Post Theatre the latter part of March, and the casting was completed at a meeting of the Players Wednesday.

Chosen as their second production is "Palms Up", a fast-moving laugh provoking comedy with many hilariously funny situations.

Sponsored by the Kiwanis Club the group has set a tenative date of March 20, for the presentation.

The Walrus

Vol. 2 No. 8 page 1 Feb. 20, 1953

Here's Directions For 'Palms Up' Limerick Contest

by "Speed" Deimer

"Palms Up", the three-act fast moving and laugh provoking comedy with many hilarously funny situations will be presented at the Post Threatre 20 March 1953.

"Palms Up", sponsored by the Igloo Little Theatre Players, will be under the direction of Walrus' new editor, LeRoy (Red) Holst.

Iglooites, other than those connected with the Little Theatre Players, may enter the limerick contest. The nine winning limericks, selected by the contest judges will be run on the 2, 4, 6, 9, 11, 13, 16, 18 and 20 March editions of the Daily Bulletin; and in the Walrus on 6, 13 and 20 of March.

Winners will receive a complimentary adult ticket to "Palms Up". No person will be credited with more than one win.

If you wish to enter the contest, complete the last line of the following limerick and leave it at the Community Building with the hostesses, Mrs. Ted Barney, Mrs. Martin Hanna, Mrs. William Krantz or with "Speed" Deimer, Chairman of the Limerick Contest.

There was a young fellow named Larry
Who wanted most awfully to marry
But alas he was wed
So the girl he loved said:

The Walrus

Vol. 2 No. 13 page 1 March 27, 1953

'Palms Up' Makes Hit With Small But Enthusiastic Crowd

"Palms Up", the second presentation of the Litlle Theater Players, was well received by the small but enthusiastic Igloo and Edgemont audience last Friday night at the local theatre.

Reports from first-nighters gave favorable comments on the evening's presentation and indicated a successful portrayal of the parts by the entire cast. The cast was as follows:

Larry Stewart ................ Edgar C. Hall
Tommy Wright ............... Bill Granberg
Henry Westfall ............ LeRoy F. Holst
Gordon Andrews .............. Alvin Ehrich
Gail Andrews ........... Louise Dunsmore
Helen Wright ............. Patricia Morgan
Miss Pembrook ............. Dagney Bauer
Annie ..................... Margo McElhaney
Madame Roska ................ LuCeal Nehl
Clemintine Rogers ........ Elaine Reasaw

Musical numbers between the acts with the high school swing band and the vocal duet - Carol Joslin and Delores Miller - were received with tremendous applause.

LeRoy Holst, play director, said, "The successful production of the show was as much due to the entire efforts of those painting the scenes as the members of the cast. Mrs. Clara Kennaley, stage manager, and her assistants, Jim Stransky, Dave Kennaley, Lyle Blare and Rudy Ladner," he said, "were to be commended for the entire efforts of preparing props and scenery and having them in readiness for the show."

Staff make-up was under the supervision of Mrs. Clara Kennaley, Lois Hagen and Ann Roberts. Mr. LaVerne Breen directed the popular candy sale between the first and second acts. Her assistants were Rev. Robert Rosenau, Ronald Backer, Frank Martinez, Charles Canfield and Woodrow Hipsher. Responsible for the prizes connected with the candy sale were Lois and Ronnie Hagen. Ushers were Ruth Cronk and Clare Ek.

1953: president, Jack Lee

1954; spring; president, Ann Roberts; "They Went Thataway"

1954; fall; "To My Husband
Ed Hall, Pat Lachelt, Leah Zink
Vol. III, No. 51; Dec. 17, 1954; pg. 6; Curtain Falls On 'My Husband'; Igloo's Little Theater's traipsing thespieans answered their final curtain call, of their four town presentations of the production "To My Husband", last Saturday night when they played to an appreciative audience at Ardmore.
The "To My Husband" cast of Skippy Zink, Lu Breen, Pearl Tofflemire, Jim Stransky, Delores Anderson and Donna Stransky directed by Ed Hall, ably assisted by Pat Lachelt and Leah Zink, presented their stage show to a combined audience of approximately 750 who showed their enjoyment of the hilarious three-act comedy by demanding numerous finale curtain calls.
The premier showing of this Igloo's Little Theater's production rated tops at Sanator followed by its appearance at Igloo and later at Oelrichs and Ardmore.
Other members of the theater group responsible for the success of the 19954 season, and this latest production are; DeWayne Lachelt, Mary Hoel, Ruth Graybeal, Clara Kennaley, Dave Kennaley, Joanne Crellin, "Speed" Deimer, Jeanne Miller, Lucille Straub, Dorothy Mace, Luther Mace, Arleigh Farrell, Dorothy Farrell, Ben Tofflemire, Richard Zimmerman, Arlene Zimmerman, and Lois Hagen.
To Bill Anderson goes thanks for the use of the Post Theater and to Ray Alley for his photographic contributions used in connection with the season's publicity.

1957; spring; president, Bill Polzine; "Ma Branningan's Shinanagans"
Ed Hall, director; Karen Breen, Luella Siebrands, Marilyn O'Neill, Dorothy Farrell, Eleador Olivas, Alford Talbott, Charles Swanson, Jackie Faulkner, Russell Tofflemire and Stanley Tinsley, cast; Lu Breen, assistant director.
co-chairmen for Stockade Lake picnic; Dorothy Farrell and Ruth Graybeal

1957; fall; president, LuVerne Breen; vice-president, Ed Hall; "The People vs Maxine Lowe"

Stars of Tommorrow amateur show.

The Walrus

Vol. 5 No. 17 page 1 April 25, 1957

Ma Brannignan's Shenanigans
TRYING ON THEIR "Goin' to Sunday meetin' duds" last week was the cast of "Ma Branningan's Shenanigans".
The three-act hillbilly farce will be presented here next Wednesday at the Post Theatre.
Left to right in the circle are Eleador Olivas, Marilyn O'Neill and Luella Siebrands.
Behind the chin whiskers is Alford Talbott. The pipe smoking lady in the center is Ma Branningan
as portrayed by Dorothy Farrell. Following around is Karen Breen and Charles Swanson with the
real hillbilly beard and Jackie Faukner. Seated on the floor is Stan Tinsley who got into his
new outfit except for shoes.

(Photo by Schuler)


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