image of main gate



The Igloo Magazine

The Igloo Magazine

Vol. II No. 21 page 18 May 28, 1943


I saw the Safety Engineer out in the middle of a stream with no shoes, socks nor __________, fishing or gathering up minnows so he could go fishin'. It really was a sight and I do wish I could have taken a candid picture. (Did he cut his foot? - - Ed.)

What happens when the two mainstays of the Safety Section go with their wives on a Sunday fishing trip up around Stockade Lake? In case anyone is remotely interested, ask Dennis or Hal. Anyway, they report a fine time, fishing and picnicking.

Hal and Joy, and Dennis and Iris have been out having fun in their young farms - - Victory Gardens, to you. They've got everything planted that could possibly grow out there.

Everything happens to Hal and Dennis, but Margaret is leading the very uneventful life of a housewife. The only thing that happens to her is cuts from sharp (and not so sharp) knives and burns from the stove, which does make things happen that are a definite hazard to a safety clerk.

There were 17 minor injuries sustained by personnel of this Depot during the week of May 16th to the 22nd, inclusive. They affected the following parts of the body:

Fingers . . . . . . 3 injuries

Hands . . . . . . . 6

Feet . . . . . . . . . 2

Legs . . . . . . . . . 3

Arm . . . . . . . . . 1

Back . . . . . . . . . 1

Body . . . . . . . . 1

TOTAL 17 injuries.

(under construction)

The Walrus

The Walrus

Vol. 2 No. 5 page 4 Jan. 30, 1953

Safety Slogan Winners

Safety Slogan Winners

Pictured above, left to right, are Mr. Skaar, Safety Director, Silvia Gillies, Allan, Denison and Ronald Backer. Mr. Skaar, unable to resist the opportunity for a good plug for safety, is demonstrating proper methods of lifting. Persons pictured with Skaar were the first week winners of the Safety Slogan Contest.

Weekly Slogan Winners Named

Winners of this weeks Safety Slogan Contest and two movie tickets apiece were William R. Bishop, N. E. McKinney, Elaine Reausaw, Allan Denison and Ronald Backer. This is the second week that Allan Denison and Ronald Backer have come up with winning slogans. The slogans were: William Bishop's - "Good Conduct is a measure of Safety"; N. E. McKinney's - Safety is the Best Bet"; Elaine Reausaw's - "Safety is Economy"; Allan Denison's - "Use the Right Tools for the Job You're On"; and Ronald Backer's - "Safety Shoe Protection is a Wise Investment". These slogans will be coming up in the near future, watch for them.

You still have time to enter this contest yourself and share in the prizes. You can enter as many times as you wish and all but those slogans selected are considered for award each time. Be safety conscious and help others to become safety conscious too. Make it a word from the wise - safety-wise.

The Walrus

Vol. 2 No. 7 page 6 Feb. 13, 1953

Slogan Business Is Bustling As 1200 Submitted

To date there have been nearly 1,200 safety slogans submitted. The whole-hearted and enthusiastic support that employees have given this safety program has been very encouraging. Certainly safety begins in the head, and safety-mindedness is akin to safe on-the-job performance. There are still several weeks of opportunity to submit slogans in the safety slogan contest. Keep up the good work.

Winners for this week and recipients of show tickets for each winning slogan were Ronald Backer with "You'll be safety-wiser wearing a goggle or visor." William Polzine with "A hazard reported and corrected is safety in action." Clair Jones with "Lean on safety, not a krutch". Gladys Geary with "You can't lose with safety shoes," and Florence Mastrovich with "Be safe with good housekeeping." Congratulations to the winning slogan contestants for this week.

The Walrus

Vol. 2 No. 8 page 1 Feb. 20, 1953

Safety Slogans Beneficial - And They Pay Off!

What's in a Safety Slogan? The results of some clear-headed thinking about Safety, the beneficial lessons from someone else's misfortune and the inspiration to chasten the safety-slacker are just some of the hidden benefits of Safety Slogans. Don't hide your slogans under a bushel basket. Write them down on a handy Safety Slogan blank and drop them in your nearby slogan box.

Slogan winners for the week ending 14 February are Verner Clark, May Miller, Warner Sisley, Nina Belle Yoakum and Clair Jones. Their Slogans were: Mr. Clark - "Excess scrap is a safety trap." May Miller - "Horseplay is for horses; let's act human." Mr. Sisley - "There's plenty of woe in a broken toe." Nina Yoakum - "Avoid the rush at the time clock and bus; be safe." Mr. Jones - "Safety carries a lifetime guarantee."

It is requested that the above-named winners pick up their theatre tickets at the Safety Office in the Security building, No. 2. Congratulations!

1953; Selmar Skaar, Safety Director
1954; Richard Morgan, Safety Officer
1957; Selmar Skaar, Safety Director
1957; Robert J. Betz, Safety Inspector

The Walrus

Vol. 2 No. 6 page 3 Feb. 6, 1953

Safety-Minded Employees Get Safety Awards

As a part of the Fifth Army-wide safety program, awards were recently made under several categories for safe vehicle operation and safe supervision to many employees at Black Hills Ordnance Depot. Listed below under heading pertinent to the type of award made are the employee recipients classified as to the working unit to which they belong. Listed under the last heading, Fifth Army Awards for Supervision, are the names of those supervisors whose crews have not sustained lost time injuries during the past year.

Materials Handling

Chemical Branch - Wilber R. Nafziger.

Salvage - John Beyerink.

General Supply - Nora E. Firethunder, Mildred L. Kutzor, Ella Sonovia, Julian E. Traphagen, Pricilla G. Wicker, Albert Ritchey, and Donald Sheddin.

Labor and Equipment Branch - Alvin T. Ackerman, James W Blazek, Charles A. Campbell, Richard J. Cordier, Anthony N. Gabriel, Earl A. Gowen, Paul Houseman, Wesley C. Jacobs, Oscar A. Johnson, Robert E. Keil, Max A. Meihak, Omer L. Mizner, Elmer Nygaard, Walter R. Punteney, Don Richardson, Jake Schiffner, Louis Stevens, and Kenneth Westeen.

Motor Vehicle

Fire Department - Albert Bingham, Raymond Gayhart, Reinhard A. Lorenz, Charles E. Mann, Enoch Stienecker and Archie P. Stortroen.

Post Engineers - William Bishop, Lester Anderson, Sam Hairy Bird, George Tupper, Kenneth Shoop, Alfred Hopes, Eugene Scholl, Nathaniel Witt, Frank Dappen and Arthur Bond.

Maintenance Branch - Francis Cooper, Robert Fields, Marcus Gabriel, Martin Gibbons, Arthur Heer, James Parks, William Patton, Floyd Plumb, Percy Pourier, Melvin Straub, Alvin Vilhauer, Traugott Wiedenmeyer, Henry Wohl, Edward Young, Ted Barney, Ephriam Brafford, Amos Clark, John Varvel, John Hagman, Kenneth Mowry, Charles Percy, Raymond Miller, Roy Cooper, Gustave Imme, John Moore, Burl Hansen, Charles Badmilk, Dale D. Bailey, Duane Bauer, Clifford Hall, Edward Graham, Wilbert Heck, William Hopke, DeWayne Lachelt, Albert Lenhoff, Charles Ludington, Varnie McLeery, and Ralph Powers.

Fifth Army Awards For Supervision, 1952

R & D Branch - Wallace Erickson, Harry Gilpin, and Henry Krumholz.

Chemical Branch - Clair Alspach and Raymond Goodroad.

Maintenance Branch - Pete Bonenberger, Melville Cox, Elmer Simpson, Robert V. Hansen, William Grubbs, Louis Pourier, Tim Hamaker, Delbert Harbaugh, Harold Worthley, Earl Larsen and Warner Mueller.

A.I.O. Branch - Marion Wagner.

Custodial Unit - Judd Robinson.

Depot Property Branch - Leonard Richardson, and Theron Hooker.

Salvage - Peter Tames.

General Supply - Andrew R. Cowell, Charles J. Eastman, Sr., John H. Mutschler, Lowell E. Terry, George Smizer, James C. Librajt, Joseph Moriarty, Joseph Pazie, William Silvernale, George W. Rose and Royal Wicker.

Post Engineers - Albert Hagen, Howard Zink, Dewey Foster, Aaron Hoar, Raymond Aye, Albert Schroch, Claude Kirby, True Parsons, Lon E. Jackman and Theodore Birdsell.

Ammo. Branch - Donald Bassett, John Donbraska, Sam Gunderson, Donald Leary, Wayne Martin and Larry Newman.

Labor and Equipment Branch - Norman Krebs, Oscar Krebs, Wilfred LaPlant and Dennis Colmbs.

The Walrus

Vol. 2 No. 6 page 3 Feb. 6, 1953

Depot Fire Lads Win Award


The Fifth Army Safety Achievement Award is presented with congratulations to Chief Loren J. Bingham of the Igloo Fire Department by Col. H. G. Hamilton, the Black Hills Ordnance Depot's commanding officer.

The award was given the department in recognition of the completion of a full year without the loss of a single man-hour, due to a disabling injury sustained on the job.

Present at the ceremony, held at the Depot's Fire House were: Front row left to right: Raymond Gayhart, Enoch Stienecker, Thurman McBride, Kenneth Hendersen, Albert Yunko, John A. Marty, Don DuBois, Stan LaChance, Cecil Maxfield, Henry Hagen and Capt. Ray W. Demski, Post Engineer and Fire Marshal.

Standing, left to right: Reinhold Krein, Ernest Heppner, Reinhard Lorenz, Arthur Morgan, Glen R. Evans, Hugh Hutchison, Charles Mann, Norman Ribble, Archie Stortroen, Albert Bingham, Louis Gukeisen, and S. A. Skaar, Safety Engineer.

Other members of the department not shown are: Kenneth Gibson, Charles Canfield, Mathew J. Biever, Edward J. Biever, Edward J. Skinner, Ray Vorce, Louis Rickard and William Holt.

The Walrus

Vol. 3 No. 50 page 2 Dec. 10, 1954

Safety Scoreboard

Minor Injuries Minor Property Date Last Major Accident
November Year To Date November Year To Date Lost Time Property
Renovation 23 2 6/23/54 6/23/54
Ammunition 2 29 8 5/4/53 7/26/54
Labor & Equip. 2 7 6 10/31/52 8/4/53
General Supply 18 7
Chemical 4 1
Storage Office 1 1
Depot Facilities
Roads & Grounds 4 2 9/16/54 9/16/54
Shops 6 1 8/21/52 1/14/53
Utilities 2
Motor Pool 1 3/2/53
Automotive Shop 1 12/28/52
Heavy Equip. 2 1 9/13/54
Machine Shop 1
Materials 2 2
Internal Rail 1 1 3/21/54
Inspections 2 4/10/52
Recurring Insp. 1 8
Salvage 3 1
Police Dept. 3 12/27/53
Fire Dept. 1
Depot Property 2
Other 2
TOTAL 6 122 34

* Spaces under major accidents that are blank indicate that the unit has not had such an accident since 1 January 1952. Records prior to that date are incomplete and a true picture could not be given for any earlier period.

The Walrus

Vol. 5 No. 25 page 5 June 20, 1957

Hq. Happenings

The Safety Office bade farewell Friday to Robert Betz, Safety Inspector at BHOD for the past two years. Mr. Betz received his port call to embark on his new assignment to Captieux, France. He and Mrs. Betz will sail from New York on 30 June.

Igloo: A History of the Black Hills Ordnance Depot


page 45

In 1962, the depot employees completed the destruction of 206,850 mustard gas bombs. The Chief of Ordnance commended the depot for this particularly difficult and dangerous accomplishent. This recomendation was part of a large body of recognition the facility received for its safety record. Between 1942 and 1962, the Black Hills Ordnance Depot received six national safety awards.

Safety Awards
contributed by Dave Geary

Left to right; Thurman McBride, William Hoffman, George Skroch, Al Hagen, Ben Geary Sr., Lt. Col. John McDonald,
Judd Robinson, Raymond Aye, Dewey Foster, Aaron Hoar, True Parsons and Lon Jackman.

The Edgemont Herald-Tribune

Edgemont Herald-Tribune page 1 Oct. 19, 1961

BHOD Set Safety Record In Ammo Clipping Project

Black Hills Ordnance Depot Commanding Officer Col. John R. Bailey, Jr. announced today that a new safety record had been established at the Army Ordnance Installation.

During the past year, ending 14 Oct., 23,411,326 rounds of 30 cal. ammunition had been placed into clips, of eight rounds each, in 86,671 man hours with only two minor injuries.

The Colonel pointed out that no time, other than a trip to the clinic for first aid, had been lost and the cost was $26.91. One employee had a steel sliver in his finger and the other a bruised thumb caught in a conveyor belt.

If these rounds were placed end to end they would reach from Black Hills Ordnance Depot to San Francisco.

Col. Bailey said the original estimated cost of the clipping operation was set at .0064 cents per round and the actual cost is only .0051 cents.

Emanuel Schuler, a veteran BHOD employee, is foreman of the operation.

(The clips were the En Bloc clips used in the M-1 Garand rifle.)


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