Vol. 4 No. 21 | page 5 | June 2, 1944 |
The Fifth War Loan Drive will start officially at this Depot on June 1, 1944, and end on July 31st. Following is a list of the Supervisors and Minute Men of the various divisions who will conduct this 5th War Loan campaign:
Stock Control: Supervisor, Louise Smith.
The Edgemont Tribune; April 4, 1945; List of Stock Control employees.
Vol. 1 No. 18 | page 10 | May 9, 1952 |
The first structure to be completed for the government was the present Stock Control building shown above looking northeast. This picture taken ten years ago today, show construction equipment parked where the hospital now stands. On the far right is the hill where the white cross has been placed. The trail seen over the roof of the building was used to travel from the housing area to the administrative offices. Bulldozers have been used to push the mud off the trail to make it possible for traffic to move. In the background is Parker Peak. This building housed the Guard and Indentification offices and the Fire Department. It and the present BOQ were the first administrative government buildings on the depot.
The Edgemont Tribune; Jan. 21, 1948; B&PW; Six new members were voted in at the meeting, bringing the total enrollment to 31. Approved as new members were Dorothy Thompson, Hannah Johnson, Jane Schuster, Grace Boland, Katherine Wall and Margarit Collins. Colleen Ewen is leaving Igloo soon, to be married. President, Elma Barrett. (Colleen Ewen of Stock Control Division is being replaced by Mrs. Marjorie Whaley.)
Vol. 2 No. 6 | pages 1 and 8 | Feb. 6, 1953 |
Stock Control employees, from left to right, are: Front row - Jacqualine Faulkner, Mary Hogan, LaDonna Jones and Marguerite Luke. Back row - Woodrow W. Hipsher, Lucille Hanlon, Mary Donohue, and Patricia Lachelt. Since this picture was taken, Mary Donohue has transferred and Dona Pierce and Frank Burke have been added to the staff.
Much the same as any bank must maintain an accurate record of the deposits, and withdrawals, so must the Ordnance Corps maintain similar records of cash on hand ordnance material.
At Black Hills Ordnance Depot this is the responsibility of the Stock Control Division. Accountable records are kept of ammunition, general supplies, Chemical Corps stock, and components stored at the Depot.
Tracing a shipment of ammunition from the time it arrives at the Depot for storage until the moment it leaves will clearly show the intricate functions of the division.
Let us suppose an Army Shipping Document is received by the division stating a carload of 105's are due in next week. The shipping document gives the number which are in the shipment and other identifying data such as nomenclature and the number in each lot. The Stock Control Division will notify the Storage Division of the anticipated arrival in order that plans may be made for the storage of the material upon arrival.
After the 105's are received and during the storage process an inventory of stock received is made by Storage Division Checkers and compared against the original shipping documents. Should there be any discrepancies which are not due to errors in tabulation here, correspondence is initiated to correct the original documents.
In the Stock Control Office the number of 105's received is posted to stock record cards to reflect the number received and location of storage. The total received is added to the balance already on hand giving a new balance representing the total number of 105's received is posted to stock record cards to reflect the number received and location of storage. The total received is added to the balance already on hand giving a new balance representing the total number of 105's of a given lot on the depot. There are cards for each lot.
Should shells remain in storage here for some time it is quite possible normal maintenance or modification work will be done on them. If new lot numbers are assigned, the nomenclature revised, or there be a change in location storage these facts are duly noted on the stock record cards by Stock Control personnel.
As a double check to insure accuracy of the amount of material in storage a yearly cyclic audit is conducted in collaboration with the Storage Division. Should the inventory reveal a discrepancy, an inventory adjustment is made after an exhaustive search to insure the accuracy of the inventory count. Periodically reports are sent to higher echelons listing the quantity of ammunition and its condition. This information is used to get the right amount of ammunition out of storage to the right place at the right time.
A year from now a requisition may arrive requesting the shipment of a carload of 105's. The requisition is checked to insure accuracy of the identification. The Storage Division is notified of the amount and lot to be shipped. Suspense files are set up by Stock Control to insure that all items are shipped by the dead lines established on the requisition. After shipping documents are prepared which show the quantity of 105's shipped the stock record cards are posted and deductions made to reflect the new balance still on hand there.
Thus at any time the Stock Control Division is able to ascertain how much of any item is stored here, where it is located, and its condition just as the commercial bank through its receipts, cash on hand and withdrawals.
Chief of the Stock Control Division is Woodrow W. Hipsher. Clerk-Stenographer for the division is Lucille Hanlon. Employees of the Supply Branch are Marguerite Luke and Jacqualine Faulkner. Employed in the Stock Accounting Branch are Frank Burke, LaDonna Jones, Patricia Lachelt, Mary Hogan and Dona Pierce.