Vol. 4 No. 21 | page 5 | June 2, 1944 |
The Fifth War Loan Drive will start officially at this Depot on June 1, 1944, and end on July 31st. Following is a list of the Supervisors and Minute Men of the various divisions who will conduct this 5th War Loan campaign:
Storage: Supervisor, Austin Chandler; Minute Men, Receiving Branch, Maryann Tucker; Labor and Equipment Branch, Minute Men, Hubert Prim, Charles Kelly, Milo Olson, Stanley Barnett, Phillip Hatfield, Lewis Young, Joseph Giligan; Storekeeping Branch, Francis Wilson; Cycle Inventory and Packing and Shipping Branch, Herman Metz and Edmund Wolters.
A highly coveted Fifth Army Safety Award for one year without a lost time accident went to the Storage Division recently. With more than one half of the total depot strength assigned to the division, the hours of exposure to a possible accident were about equal to all other divisions combined. The record speaks of the extreme safety mindedness of the supervisors and workers of the division. Colonel Paul N. Wickens, Depot Commander, made the presentation to the division. George Hall, Assistant Chief of the division, is shown receiving the award. Looking on, from left to right, are: Jim Rickard, representing the Planning Branch; Odean Olson, Ammunition Branch Chief; Selmar Skaar, Safety Director; Ben Schoch, Labor and Equipment Branch Chief; Claire Alspach, General Foreman of Chemical Branch; Major Blette, Assistant for Suppy; Walter Flammond, Acting Renovation Branch Chief; Jack D. Lee, Administrative Branch Chief; and Geddis Nelson, General Supply Branch Chief.
Vol. 5 No. 8 | page 1 | Feb. 21, 1957 |
Storage Division personnel are feeling a little "chesty", and deservedly so, because of the commendable showing made by the Division as a result of the statistical study recently completed concerning the use of sick leave for the year 1956.
The records reveal that of the 275 employees 193 or slightly over 70 percent used less sick leave than the Department of the Army's use of an average of 63 hours per employee for 1956.
While the D of A showed a 1956 percentage of 3.03, BHOD Storage Division bested that record by one half percent with a figure of 2.53 percent. The record indicates that 45 employees did not use any sick leave for the year. They are to receive a letter of apprciation from the Commanding Officer, Colonel Don M. Hoffman. The 148 employees who used less that 63 hours are to receive a letter from the Storage Divison Chief, Mr. Gerner A. Olsen.
Vol. 5 No. 39 | page 1 | Oct. 3, 1957 |
The entire Storage Division personnel assembled to witness Colonel MacAdam present George Hall, Chief of Storage Division,
122 awards cards for three years service with no injuries of any kind. Later the cards were distributed to 122 happy individuals.
Vol. 5 No. 41 | page 1 | Oct. 17, 1957 |
Left to right John Knoepfle, Eldon Aadson, Stanley Barnett, John Mutschler, Odean Olson and George Hall himself.
Photo by Schuler)