Vol. II No. 12 | page 13 | March 26, 1943 |
Stella Parks is now the Jr. Checker taking Bill Wright's place. Stella lives in Edgemont, has brown eyes, a victory haircut and has a pleasing personality. We are happy to have you with us, Stella.
Hazel Madill visited her home near Hermosa over the week end.
Ede Hennessy is setting up now files for the section in order to take care of the additional correspondence due to the increased activity on the Depot.
Vol. II No. 21 | page 11 | May 28, 1943 |
Mrs. Hazel Madill spent the weekend at her home in Hermosa.
Mr. Johnson's wife is now with him at Edgemont. Her former home was in Rapid City.
Lt. Kee will leave the 25th on a well-earned furlough, to visit his home in Chicago. May his visit be an enjoyable one.
Edith Henessy spent the weekend in Rapid City - - a good time was reported.
The Railroad Book of Rules is now being mimeographed and will be ready for use soon. Edith Henessy did a very good job of stenciling and Hazel Madill is making the back cover.
If you want to hear a real fish story, contact Otilla Hagen - - she stayed up until 2:30 Monday morning cleaning her Sunday's catch.
Vol. III No. 7 | page 6 | July 23, 1943 |
We wonder whether June or July is the month for romance, after seeing what's going on between the RR Transportation Office Section and the Yard Office.
Margaret Sheehan spent the weekend in Rapid City with Geraldine Hunter.
News is scarce this time, as duty called most of the section to work Sunday, thus all fishing and other recreation had to be omitted, but there are more weekends coming.
Vol. 4 No. 21 | page 5 | June 2, 1944 |
The Fifth War Loan Drive will start officially at this Depot on June 1, 1944, and end on July 31st. Following is a list of the Supervisors and Minute Men of the various divisions who will conduct this 5th War Loan campaign:
Transportation: Supervisor, Merritt Howe.
The Edgemont Tribune; March 14, 1945; Lt. Jacobson has taken over the reins at the Transportation Department.
Vol. 1 No. 4 | page 1 | Jan. 18, 1952 |
The first of a series of new buses as replacement for some of the older vehicles on the depot was delivered Tuesday of last week by Mr. Simpson of Maintenance, who had gone to Omaha to drive the new conveyance back to Black Hills Ordnance Depot.
The bus is one of the largest GMC creations for the Army. It is propelled by a rear mounted GNC power unit. Conventional OD color is used throughout, the upholstering being simulated leather in green. Seating is provided for 37 passengers.
A spacious luggage compartment is located in the rear over the engine. The engine is accessible from the rear or from the inside for maintenance purposes. Luggage racks are located along each side overhead, but these will likely be removed as unnecessary to the intended use on the depot.
Opening and closing of the front door is accomplished by push-button controlled pneumatic power. An emergency door for safety is provided on the left side near the rear of the vehicle.
Air brakes provide safe, efficient stopping and all glass is of safety type. The wide windshield affords unlimited visibility and windows are so mounted as to provide emergency exits in case of accident.
Mr. Bohart, Chief of Maintenance, states that eventually BHOD will have other such buses which will assure employees of utmost comfort and safety in transportation to and from the respective places of employment.
Two additional buses arrived by rail freight last Saturday. With these to augment buses being presently used, our motor transportation problems on the depot should be fairly well solved.
Mrs. Ila Jones employed as clerk typist in Transportation Branch from 1949 to at least 1957.
Vol. II No. 48 | page 2 | Nov. 27, 1953 |
Looking over shipment of 105 mm howitzers are George F. Jones, executive general agent of the Burlington from Scottsbluff, Nebraska; R. H. Brockman, traveling freight and passenger agent from Deadwood; S. R. Harris, division superintendent of the road at Alliance; and N. E. McKinney, the BHOD's Transportation Officer.
Vol. II No. 51 | page 10 | Dec. 18, 1953 |
In the midst of moving, who has time to "make news"? Moreover, in the confusion of the staff being moved from Building 2003 to 2012 to 2004, we can't find paper, pencil, typewriter or even the typist! ( The latter we are making an effort to locate.) Will try to do better next week when we hope to be "all settled."