The most visible WOWs were building planes and ships but they also did other work supporting the war effort. At Black Hills Ordnance Depot they were truck drivers and fork lift operators.
Goldie Lovell is the truck driver that is mentioned in the history books about BHOD. (pgs. 40 and 41 of "The BHODian" and pg. 35 of "Igloo: A History" The above picture is the only picture published. On the other hand, Millie Hardman on her forklift is one of several pictures that have been shared by the Hardman family.
Vol. 2 No. 9 | page 6 | Feb. 27, 1953 |
The insignia of the Ordnance Corps of the United States - "the shell and the flame" - is the oldest military device of the American Army. It was adopted by the Corps in about 1833, and ever since that time it has officially designated this branch of the Army.
Antecedent to its American adoption, the insignia had been used by the British Grenadier Guards, Royal Engineers and Royal Horse Artillery. After its adoption by the American Army. It was used by the Artllery, as well as Ordnance, until 1834, when the traditional crossed cannon was adopted by the Artillery.
The Ordnance seal (crossed cannon in circle with "shell and flame" above) from 1833 appeared on all Ordnance publications, documents and drawings. At the present time it is the official seal of the Ordnance Corps and is known as the "Ordnance Escutcheon."
The "shell and flame" was first used by the "Ordnance Corps" on a button, described in Army Regulations of 1835 as "button convex, plain border, cross cannon and bomb-shell." During the Mexican War the device appeared on fatigue caps. Records show that the "shell and flame" first appeared by itself in 1848. At the time of the Civil War, the insignia was used alone on the hat and the full seal appeared on the buttons, although both were worn at the same time.
In August, 1930 an Ordnance Corps Order designated the "shell and flame" as the Ordnance Insignia. At present the insignia is worn as a part of the official uniform for Ordnance Officers on each lapel of the blouse when the olive drab or khaki shirt is worn without the service coat, the insignia is worn one inch from the end of the collar on the left side.
The "shell and flame" when adopted by the American Army had a round base and the flame, in width, exceeded that of the shell. It continued in this form with only slight variations in width of the flame until after the first World War. Since 1931 many modifications have appeared. These changes in design resulted in the present "streamlined" pattern, in which the flame, instead of being spread out is tapered to a peak at the top, with the right side of the flame resembling a shallow "5" curve.
In 1941 the Ordnance School at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, adapted an insignia of which the "shell and flame" is a part; the motto on the insignia is "algeo Flammam" meaning "I add the Flame," which the school has done in a fine manner.
During the World War II the Ordnance insignia was used on a "WOW" bandanna, a special headgear designed by the Ordnance Corps for "Women Ordnance Workers." It was produced in Army Ordnance red on a white background and vice versa.
The simplicity of the "shell and flame" harmonizes with the armament of days gone by, while the action it connotes is applicable with equal force to the weapons of our own day.
-Safety Digest
Vol. II No. 21 | page 15 | May 28, 1943 |
We have tried for weeks to get in an "igloo" with our little semi's, and all we can do is back up to one, now we believe we can get into one. That is, if Mr. Gilfillan will step aside and allow us a little space - - - - Thank you, "Gildy".
Perhaps I should begin with the first students to be sent out in the Area to haul munitions.
To begin with, most of the girls were given a man haul, which is, itself, a great responsibility. The majority of us felt pretty brave toward the end of our schooling, until the first morning to be sent out alone with those big trucks. It made quite a difference when Tony or Bud weren't there to maybe say "Better kick her down into third or second". So, scared girls we were by the time we arrived at the barracks to pick up our men. I think, though, each crew of men tried to help us, although I'm sure that before the day was over, they wished we were all home or somewhere!! And I think that some did find they could be too helpful in telling us how to back up to an igloo, for that was something we had to learn by ourselves - - the hard way. If some of the boys came home that first week not very hungry and perhaps nauseated, we do hope the little wives did understand. Maybe we did start and stop rather abruptly! I'm sure the foremen's nerves were worn to a frazzle, but we hope we have improved to the point where we are now indispensable.
Our work in the Area is very interesting and I think we will all profit from the experience. When being told to go to J Block, we now know where to go instead of landing in Block A or E.
We are also becoming acclimated to weather conditions, and I expect there were those who thought when it rained the wrecker would be busy pulling us out of gumbo but found to their sorrow than men semi-drivers sometimes take to the ditch themselves!
We have a new meal routine these days. Everyone goes to the new lunch room near the field office. Says the Guard, "Out of the truck, folks."
Perhaps now would be a good time to mention our work. We haul munitions and we try to observe all rules - - Traffic and Safety. We appreciate and try to abide by any suggestions our superiors have to offer.
A few of the girls are: Kathleen, with Kelly's crew; Dorothy and Ruby, on Olsen's; Doreen and Leona, with Gilligan's; "Swede", with Tames'; Milly, with Johnson's; and the girls of the last school will have to speak for themselves.