Vol. II No. 12 | page 9 | March 26, 1943 |
Uncle Sam has claimed another one of the Engineer boys. Bob Usher, head of the Property Section, left Monday from his home at Martin to go to Omaha for his preliminary physical examination for entrance to the Army.
Verna Batchelder's added effervescence of the last few days can be attributed directly to the fact that she's counting the days until she leaves for Texas to visit that husband of hers.
Edna Vam, Warehouse Section, checked out Saturday for Omaha, where she'll work in the Equipment Depot.
Mr. Fuller seems to be making quite a hit with the ladies these days - - - or is it vice versa? Anyway he was on the receiving end of a box of homemade candy last week and is reported to have made a week end trip to Hot Springs to escort two of our fair personnel to the movies. How do you like this playboy life, Mr. Fuller?
Vol. II No. 12 | page 14 | March 26, 1943 |
Capt. Thomas J. Lynn, formerly of the Repairs and Utilities Branch of the Seventh Service Command, has arrived at the Depot to take up his new duties as Assistant Post Engineer.
The Edgemont Tribune; April 21, 1943; The Post Engineers moved their offices to the U. S. Engineer Building on the eve of April 12, 1943. People wouldn't know what hard workers the Post Engineer people are until they see these boys in action. They made their tasks light by mixing in a little pleasure. You should see them play ball with desks and files. Our Electrical Superintendent with some able assistance served coffee and loaf sugar to the hard working gang on Monday night. Mr. Caulkings poured.
Vol. II No. 21 | page 23 | May 28, 1943 |
We should be seeing the last thing in clothes and "stuff", as Grace and Janna spent the week-end in Denver shopping and hitting the "hi spots".
Mr. Larsen and Mr. Keene spent the week end at their homes, Mr. Larsen in Rapid City, and Mr. Keene in Spearfish.
After a long series of articles on the "Mr. Caulkins"vs "The Wife Beaters" case. All we have to offer this week is, "The Defense is Testing". Could it be that Lloyd has decided these other men have the right attitude on "The Wife Problem"? At any rate, he seems to be more congenial.
Comes, now, one Leonard Jennewein, and opines that if the Messrs. Caulkins and Hoel didn't spend so much time arguing back and forth through the columns of the Igloo Magazine, they would have as good a lawn as he has. And further deponent sayeth not.
On the sniffle list this week we have Mr. A.S. Keene and Mr. Earl Larsen. We hope they get to feeling up to"par" again soon.
Mildred Purcell, Captain Rice's secretary, has been ill for the last six days. We wish her a speedy recovery. Miss Carole Mary Hall, Captain Lynn's secretary, has been helping the Captain. Captain Lynn is also away on a 10-day leave. We hope to have them all back again very soon.
Captain Rice was on a 4-day trip to Omaha last week. He brought back quite a number of railroad men.
BHODian | page 42 | April 1945 |
Stewart "Tiny" Mickelson, Foreman of Roads, holds Badge No. 1 with the Post Engineer Department and is one of the oldest employees at the depot. Mr. Mickelson came on the depot during the earliest construction days and has always been active in the development of this station as a good place in which to live and do our part in passing the ammunition.
Occupying the unique position of being the only officer on the depot to have formerly worked here as a civilian and to have received notice of his commission while on the area is Capt. A. H. Schroeder, the Post Engineer, as Mr. A. H. Schroeder, the Captain was associated with the Fuel Economy Company, contractors for the Utilities Area. Closely associated with Capt. Schroeder's efforts to make B.H.O.D. a better place in which to work and live is Arthur S. Keene, Civilian Chief of the Utilities Division. "Art", as he is known to everyone on the depot, has been a BHODian since the days of the Area Engineers and has always been in the forefront of the drive to remove the difficulties that would tend to reduce the operational efficiency of our depot.
The Edgemont Tribune; Aug. 20, 1947; Major Hartman Reigler is Post Engineer
The Edgemont Tribune; Nov. 19, 1947; On Thursday evening, November 13, the personnel of the Post Engineer office served a potluck supper in honor of Leonard Jennewein and Mrs. Mary Hoel, who are leaving the organization. Mr. Jennewein is transferring to the Bureau of Reclamation at Huron, S. D., and will be missed by his any friends here. - - - Both Mrs. Hoel and Mr. Jennewein were presented with a gift. Following the dinner, the evening was spent in playing cards.
March 31, 1948; Major Hartman Reigler to Detroit Arsenal, Center Line MI
April, 7, 1948; Capt. Joseph M. McGough, new Post Engineer.
Vol. 1 No. 24 | page 2 | June 20, 1952 |
"Utilities - You say the rain is leaking through your roof? Yes, we'll have someone out to fix it shortly."
"Utilities - Yes Maam, we'll fix that hole in your street in front of your house as soon as we can."
"Utilities - It's getting cooler in your apartment? We'll have the fireman check on it and then correct the situation."
"Utilities - Yes, we are going to remove that building in the near future."
This is the type of phone call that start the days activities at the Post Engineers. The duties and responsibilities of the Post Engineers are many and varied. The Overall responsibility is to repair and maintain all facilities on the depot. Included in these are roughly, over 200 miles of highway, 4 miles of railroad, 30 miles of electrical systems, better than 30 miles of water systems, and maintaining ground and erosion control for about 2,000 acres of land. We do all that plus trying to keep about eight hundred sets of living quarters in good condition for approximately 3000 people. All these people use, on an average, either in their homes or at work about 7000 kilowatts of electricity a month, 85,000 gallons of water per month and who create 68,000 gallons of sewage per month and 14,000 cubic yards of refuse.
In order to accomplish this tremendous task the Post Engineers have about 200 workers who are divided into the Utilities Branch, Buildings and Grounds Branch, Engineering Section, Administrative Branch and the Fire Prevention Branch. In this issue we are going to give you a brief resume of the duties performed by the Water and Sewage Branches.
Vol. 2 No. 3 | page 2 | Jan. 16, 1953 |
The Post Engineers have moved their office from Building No. 3 and Warehouse "C" to Building 2031.
Vol. 2 No. 17 | page 1 | Apr. 24, 1953 |
Col. H. G. Hamilton, Depot commander, was notified this week by Fifth Army Headquarters that four civilian spaces in the U. S. Army Hospital here will be abolished. It will be necessary to discontinue the positions of X-ray technician, receptionist and two nurse positions as part of the overall economy move by the Defense Department.
The hospital will still maintain the ward for in-patient treatment as well as the out-patient clinic.
The Depot commander said a firm feeling had been received for the balance of the Fifth Army activities at BHOD as Fifth Army spaces and funds are primarily used in Post Engineers and the Motor Pool. Sufficient money and spaces have been secured to permit continued employment of all workers now paid with Fifth Army funds in these two activities.
Vol. 2 No. 21 | page 1 | May 22, 1953 |
Five units of the Depot Facilities Division were honored by Fifth Army recently with Safety Award Certificates for completion of one year without a loss of time injury. With fitting ceremonies at the Post Engineer's Office, the certificates were presented by Col H. G. Hamilton, shown congratulating Post Engineer Captain Raymond W. Demski. Others, left to right, are: Safety Director S. Skaar; Fred Reausaw, the partially hidden Assistant General Foreman of Repairs and Utilities; John Granberg, Repairs and Utilities General Foreman; Theodore Birdsall, Assistant Foreman, Roads and Grounds; Alfred Hagen, Carpenter Shop Foreman; John Richardson, Civilian Post Engineer; Lon Jackman, Railroad Maintenance Foreman; Albert Skroch, Preventive Maintenance Foreman; and Ben Geary, Heating Branch Foreman.