1st. Lt. Alice O'Rourke 5
1st. Lt. Margaret Lauer 5
1st to 8th grade 5
1st grade 8
2nd grade 8
3rd grade 8
4th grade 8
5th grade 8
6th grade 8
7th grade 8
"Badman's Territory" 10
"Electrons on Parade" 8
"Thread of Fashion" 8
"The Secret of a Happy Home" 10
"A Yank In London" 10
"Do You Love Me?" 10
"Mysterious Intruder" 10
"Suspense" 10
"So Goes My Love" 10
Administrative Branch 4
Ameche, Don 10
Antelman, Harold 8
Area 4
Army Day 10
B & PW Club 8
B Division 8
Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Dale 4
Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. 6
Bailey, Mrs. 5
Bain, Bill 8
Barham, Fred 8
Barton, Harry 8
baseball 7
Battle Mountain Sanitarium 4
Belita 10
Belvedere, SD 8
Benediction 9
Bible Fellowship Hour 9
Billings, Rev. John H. 9
Blaisdell, E. 4
Blue Bell 4
Boelter, Capt. 2
Boelter, Lt. 2
Bordeaux, Mrs. 10
Brigham, Julia E. 3
Brown, Wally 10
Buffalo, SD 8
Buhn, Barbara 8
Buhn, Nevetta 8
Building 106 3
Busher, Mrs. R. N. 5
Business and Professional Women's Club 2, 8
Busy Bee Brownies 10
California 6
Camera Club 10
Camp Carson, CO 5
Camp Crook, SD 8
Capt. Boelter 2
Capt. Jones 2
Capt. Gerard H. Mozian 5
Capt. Williamson 4
Carlson, Marilyn 4
Carlson, Robert 5
Carney, Alan 10
Catechism 9
Catholic Services 9
Chamber of Commerce 6
Chapel 2
Chemistry 8
Chicago, IL 7
Chief of Guards 4
Children's Bingo Party 10
Cheyenne River 3
choir 2
Choir Practice 9
Christian Science Church 9
Church 9
City Park 4
Class of 1946 8
Clean-Up Week 3
Coaches 7
Cole Creek 3
coal 3
Col. Fletcher 2
Colorado 5
Community Center Recreation Schedule 10
Confessions 9
Conger, Charles 8
Consumer Goods Division 7
Cook, Miss Dorothy 4
Crawford, NE 2
Croix de Guerre 2
Cross, Tom 8
Custer County 4
Daily Information Sheet 3
Deans, Horace 5
Dedrikson, Bill 4
Defense Auxiliary No. 3530 10
Defense Post No. 3530 6
De Gaulle, General 2
Denver, CO 5
District Manager 7
Divine Worship 9
Dix, Richard 10
Draper, SD 8
Eastman, Mr. 7
Edgemont Methodist Church 9
Enskat, Leona 4
Episcopal Services 9
Estherville, IA 5
Eureka vacuum cleaner 3
European Theater 2
Evening Service 9
Extension Club 9
Fallis, Mrs. 10
Ferrero, Miss 8
First Congregational Church 9
First Sergeant 2
Fix, Harold 5
Flack, Wayne 5
Fletcher, Col. 2
Forbord, Floyd 8
Fort Dodge, IA 5
Fort Meade Hospital 10
Fort Robinson , NE 2
France 2
Freemole, George A. 2
Freight Consolidation Section 5
French Government 2
fruit and vegetable department 2
Galbraith, Mrs. Lee 9
General Science 8
George, Frenchy 4
Gilfillan, Archer B. 3
Gilpin, Harry 8
Girls Choir 8
Girl Scouts 10
Good News Bible Study Hour 9
Goulding, Mrs. Richard 4
Grade School 8
Granville, Bonita 10
Gray, Ed 4
Groell, Rev. John G. 9
Guard Force 4
Haas, Mrs. Lydia 10
Hamilton, Mr. 7
Hampton Roads, VA 5
Hanna, Mrs. Dena 6
Harrison, Rex 10
Haymes, Dick 10
Hegen, Mary 5
Helmer, Patricia 8
Hendricks, Val 8
Henen, Leo 5
Herdman, Keith 8
Herman, Dale 8
Herman, Donald 8
Herman, Mrs. 2
High School 8
Hill City, SD 8
Hoehne, Wanda 8
Holt, Joan 8
Holt, Verlyn 8
Home Ec Classes 8
Hopkins, Collie 3
Hoppes, Jerry 8
Hospital 5
House 124-10 9
House 204-B 9
House 305-B 4
House 401-C 9
House 402-D 3
House 1000-B 3
Housing Office 3
Hudson, Janice 8
Hummingbird Brownies 10
Hunter, Naomi 5
Husaboe, Faith 5
Hutchison, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh 4
Hyatt, C. G. 5
Illinois 7
inspectors 5
Interior, SD 8
Iowa 5
Jackman, Douglas 8
Jagger, Dean 10
Jeffreys, Anne 10
Jennewein, Linova 8
Jennewein, Sylvia 8
Johnson, Beverly 8
Johnson, Lala 5
Jones, Mr. 7
Jones, Capt. 2
Jones, Harold 4
Junior High Youth Fellowship Social 9
Kadoka, SD 8
Kennebec, SD 8
Keene, Alice 8
Kern, Rev. Lyman C. 9
Keystone, SD 8
Kindergarten 8
Kiwa Park 3
Kolkman, Marilyn 8
Kozel, Lavonne 8
Krein, Mr. 7
Kusler, Mr. 7
Lambert, H. M. 5
Lambert, Robert 5
Lambert, Roy 5
Lauer, 1st Lt. Margaret 5
Legion Lake 5
Leo***, Lt. 2
Lerans, Alva 4
Librarian 6
life guard 3
locker boys 3
Locomotive Maintenace Section 5
Long, Constance 8
Losh, Dr. 2
Loy, Myrna 10
Lt. Boelter 2
Lt. Leo*** 2
Lt. Meyer 7
Lundeen, Frances 10
Lundeen, Mr. and Mrs. Norman 4
Lutheran Mission of Our Savior 9
MacLane, Burton 10
Maine 5
Manager 7
Marsh, Deanne 8
Marsland, NE 4
Martin, SD 8
Martin, Wayne 5
Mass 9
masthead 3
May Musical 8
McBay, Louis 5
McCoy, Mr. 7
Mershon, Miss Sandra 4
Mershon, Winifred 4
Meyer, Lt. 7
Midland, SD 8
Mills, Patricia 8
Mills, Rosa 5
Minneapolis, MN 4
Minnesota 4
Missouri River 3
Morgan, Dixie Lee 8
Morning Worship 9
Mother's Day 9
Motor Transportation Branch 5
Mozian, Capt. Gerard H. 5
Mt. Rushmore 4
Murdo, SD 8
Neagle, Anna 10
Nebraska State Teachers College 2, 8
Newcastle, WY 5
Newell, SD 8
Newlin, Douglas 8
New Underwood, SD 8
New York 5
New York Port of Embarkation 5
Nisland, SD 8
O'Hara, Maureen 10
O'Rourke, 1st. Lt. Alice 5
Oelrichs, SD 7
Officers' Club 2
Ordnance Interdenominational Church 6, 9
Painter, J. W. 4
Pasadena 6
Patriotic Instructor 10
Payroll 4
Pendergast, Harry 8
Percy, Mr. 7
Philip, SD 8
Physics 8
Picnic Grounds 9
Piedmont, SD 8
Piggerstoch, Mr. 7
playground supervisor 3
Post Engineer 9
Post Theater 10
Presho, SD 8
Priest-in-Charge 9
Pringle 4
Prof. Yardley 2
Property Disposal Branch 7
Quartermaster Truck Company 2
Quinn, SD 8
Raiford, James 5
Rail Operations Section 5
rain 6
Rapid City, SD 5
Rawn, C. W. 4
Rawn, Mrs. D. 10
Recreation Hall 8
Red Cross 3
Regional Track Meet 8
Reliance, SD 8
Reynolds, Pat 4
Rev. John H. Billings 9
Rev. John G. Groell 9
Rev. Lyman C. Kern 9
Rev. John Burns Schlarb 9
Rev. Philip W. Roberts 9
Richards, Ann 10
Richardson, Mrs. 8
Richardson, Joyce 8
R. N. Busher 5
Roberts, Rev. Philip W. 9
Robinson, Judd 5
Room 4 10
Room 5 9
Room 6 9
Room 9 9
Room 10 10
Room 12 10
Room 16 10
Rostad, Rita 5
Ryatt, Mr. 5
Saubers, Frank B. 10
Scenic, SD 8
Schlarb, Rev. John Burns 9
School 8
Schrank, Arlys 5
Scott, Charles 8
Scott, Mrs. 10
Scott, Randolph 10
Sheaman, Lenore 5
Searsport Port, MA 5
Security 4
Seniors 8
Senior Week 8
Service Branch 5
sheriff 4
Silvernale, Marilyn 8
Singer Sewing Machine 3
Sioux Falls, SD 7
Smith, Donald 8
Smithwick, SD 7
Smizer, Frances 4
Southern Hills League 7
South Sea Isles 6
Speer, Dorothy 8
Square Club 10
Steinlicht, Mr. 5
Stock Control Division 4
Strickland Post No 172 6
Sullivan, Barry 10
Sunday School 9
Sunflower Girl Scouts 10
Swenson, Bessie 10
Swinson, Pearle 4
Sylvan Lake 4
Tames, Chad 8
Thompson, Bill 8
Thompson, Carol 8
Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Paul 5
Thornton, A. H. 7
Tinsley, Sharon 8
track 8
Trading Post 2
Treasurer 10
Vale, SD 8
Varvel, Eleanora 4
Veren, Tommy 8
Veterans Club 2
Veterans of Foreign Wars 6
Vetters, Mrs. 5
VFW Auxiliary 10
Vilhauer, Hattie 5
Virginia 5
Vivian, SD 8
Wall, SD 8
War Assets Administration 7
Waukazoo, Mr. 7
White, Jacqueline 8
White River, SD 8
Wild Rose Girl Scouts 9
Williams, Mrs. 5
Williamson, Capt. 4
Wind Cave 8
Winters, Mr. 7
Winters, Bill 3
Women's Guild 9
Wyoming 5
X-ray Tech 5
Yardley, Prof. 2
Youth Forum 9
Zink, Howard 8