image of main gate

Black Hills Ordnance Depot

Igloo Magazine

INDEX, March 1, 1946

original in the Helen McGee Collection at the Hot Springs Public Library


5827 Club                                                  7

"Adventure"                                              10

"Forest Ranger"                                         10

"Girl Shy"                                                  8

"Medal For Benny"                                     10

"The Southerner"                                      10

"Zombie On Broadway"                              10

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Adams, Frances                                          4

Adams, Kenneth                                         8

Adams, Mrs.                                               1

Addington, Mrs. Alice                                  2

Adjutant's Office                                         4

Admin. Building                                          4

Administrative Branch                                 4, 5

Administrative Division                                1

Albert Lea, MN                                            2

Allgood, Mr.                                                7

Alliance, NE                                                5

Altar Society                                               10

Anderson, Mrs. David                                   1

Anderson, Mrs. Mabel                                   1, 3

Annual                                                        8

Armour, SD                                                 4

Army Airbase                                               5

Arsdale, Anthony                                          8

Arsdale, Tom                                               8

Assistants                                                    8

Associate Editor                                            3

Avon, SD                                                     5

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B & PW Club                                                 2

badminton                                                    8

Bailey, Mrs.                                                   5

Barber Shop                                                  1

Barnett, Ada                                                  1

Barrett, Alma                                                 1, 2, 4

basketball                                                     7, 8, 10

Batchelder, Verna                                          7

Battle Mountain Sanitarium                            2, 8

Baumann, Mr.                                               7

Bayes, Walter                                               5

Beauty Parlor                                                1

Beebe, Patricia                                              1

Belle Fourche, SD                                          4

Beltz, Mrs.                                                    2

Beltz, Rev. Eugene                                        6, 9

Benediction                                                   9

Bennett, Mr.                                                  7

Berg, Homer                                                  4

BHOD Vets                                                    7, 10

Bible Fellowship Hour                                     9

Billings, Rev. John H.                                     9

Birdsall, Ted                                                  8

BMS                                                              2

Boelter, Lt. and Mrs. August A.                        2

Boner, Mrs.                                                    8

Boschma, Creta                                              8

Bowling Alley                                                  1

Bricker, C. E.                                                  6

Brigham, Julia E.                                             3

Brigham, Mr. and Mrs. Howard                         4

Brimmer, Lyle                                                 5

Brown, Miss                                                    1

Brown, Mrs. Frank                                           10

Brown, Walter                                                 10

Brownlee, Raymond                                         4

Burke, SD                                                       3

Burnison, Don                                                 8

Business and Professional Women's Club           1, 2

Busy Bee Brownies                                          10

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Cambre, Colonel Jerome D.                              2

Camera Club                                                  10

Captain David Goltman                                    2

Captain Vincent W. Rasper                               2

Carney, Alan                                                  10

Carpenters                                                     7

Cartin, Peaches                                               8

Catechism                                                      9

Casper, WY                                                    4, 5

Catholic Card Party                                        10

Catholic Services                                           9

Cecil, Kit                                                       4, 5

Chadron, NE                                                  3

chapel                                                           6

chapel organ                                                  6

Children's Bingo Party                                     10

Chilson, Arlene                                               8

Choir Rehearsal                                             10

Christian Science Church                                 9

Church                                                           9

Church Board                                                 9

Church School                                                9

Cleaners                                                        1

clothing store                                                 5

Conerton, Mr.                                                 7

Conger, Myrtle                                               1

Colonel Jerome D. Cambre                              2

Community Building                                       2, 3, 6, 8,

Communty Center Recreation Schedule            6, 10

Confessions                                                   9

Confirmation classes                                       9

Congregational parsonage                               5

Connelly, Florence                                          1, 2

Connelly, Riley                                               4, 7

Consumer Goods Division                               8

Control Division                                             6

Cooper, Mr.                                                    7

Corbin, Joe D.                                                5

Corbin, Mr. and Mrs.                                       5

Cordova, Arturo de                                        10

Cottrell, Nora                                                 8

Crawford, NE                                                  7

Cross, Mr.                                                      7

Crum, Earl                                                     5

Crutch, Mr.                                                    7

Culver, Beth                                                   8

Curtin, James                                                10

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Davis, Bruce                                                  4

Davis, Major Tex                                            2

Deadwood, SD                                               2, 4

Denzer, Mr.                                                   7

Depot Hospital                                               5, 7

Depot Service Organizations                           1

Director                                                        8

Divine Worship                                              9

Dowd, Cecil                                                   3

Dybdahl, Miss Dora                                        2

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Edgemont, SD                                               7, 8, 9

Edgemont Methodist Church                           9

Editor                                                           3

Enskat, Leona                                               1

Ekalaka, MT                                                  5

Electricians                                                   7

Episcopal                                                      9

Evening Guild                                               9

Evening Service                                            9

Ex-Servicemen's Club                                    2, 3

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Ferrero, Miss                                                8

Field, Betty                                                  10

Filling Station                                               1

Fire Department                                           1, 7

First Congregational Church                          9

Fiscal                                                          1

Fletcher, Lt. Col. Samuel M.                          2

Forbord, Dorothy                                         8

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Gable, Clark                                               10

Gaebler, Bill                                               7

Galbraith, Mrs. Lee                                     9

Garson, Greer                                            10

Geary, Mrs. B. F.                                        10

General Supplies                                        8

George, Mr. and Mrs Francis (Frenchy)         4, 6

George, Marie                                            1, 2

Giedd, Louise                                             5

Gilfillan, Archer B.                                      3, 4, 5, 6

Girl Scouts                                                10

Goltman, Captain and Mrs. David                2

Goodman, Van                                          5

Good News Bible Story Hour                       9

Grade School                                            1, 8

Green, Rev. Roger                                     9

Groell, Rev. John G.                                  9

Gunderson, Evelyn                                    8

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Hagen, Edith                                            3

Hajek, Miss                                              1

Hand, Monica                                           4

Hanna, Mrs.                                             10

Hansen, W O.                                           8

Harold, Mr. I.                                           7

Harris, Bob                                               5

Harrison, NE                                            7

Hein, Alfred J.                                          2

High School                                             1, 8

Holt, Mrs. Johnson                                    2

Holy Eucharist                                          9

Home Economics Class                              8

Hopkins, Collie                                         4

Hosler, Lt. Marjorie B.                               2

Hot Springs, SD                                       1, 2, 3, 7, 8

House 125-1                                            9

House 203-B                                            9

House 260                                               2

House 401-C                                            9

Housing Office                                          7

Husaboe, Faith                                         3

Hutchison, Mrs. Jo                                    5

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Irwn, John                                               5

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Jackman, Gordon                                     8

janitor                                                     7

Jennewein, Mrs. Marjory                           1, 2

Jensen, Janna                                          1

Joslyn, Jewell                                           1, 2

Junior Fellowship                                      9

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Kalal, Frank                                             5

Kammerzell, Mr.                                      7

Kavanaugh, Katherine                              8

Kern, Lyman C.                                        9

Kozel, Lorraine                                         6

Krumvieda, Mrs. Judy                               10

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Lamour, Dorothy                                      10

Larson, Alma                                            10

LaVerne, Birdie                                         8

Leeper, Lt. and Mrs. Harold H.                   2, 4

Lenten Services                                        6, 9

Letterkenny                                             2

Libcrajt, Christine                                     3

Librarian                                                  5

Little Theater                                          10

Low Mass                                                 9

Lt. August A. Boelter                                 2

Lt. Marjorie B. Hosler                                2

Lt. Harold H. Leeper                                 2, 4

Lt. Peterson                                             2

Lt. Melvin Sulser                                      2

Lt. Col. Samuel M. Fletcher                       2

Luke, Mr.                                                7

Lundeen, Frances                                    1

Lundeen, Mr. and Mrs.                             8

Lutheran Mission of Our Savior                 6, 9

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MacMurray, Fred                                     10

Mail and Records                                     4, 5

Maintenance                                           1

Major Tex Davis                                      2

Make-up                                                 8

Manilla                                                   2

Manlow, Dean                                         8

Mason, Blossom                                      1

masthead                                               3

Mayo, Chuck                                           8

McGregor, Mr.                                         7

McKroskey, Douglas                                8

Medical                                                  1

Men's Bowling League                             7

Mid-Winter-Party                                    10

Methodist Church                                    9

Millay, Harvey                                         5

Mimeograph Room                                  4

Minnesota                                               2, 7

Morning Worship                                     9

Montana                                                 5

Moorecroft, WY                                       5

Muckler, Pearl                                        1, 2

Mule Creek, WY                                      5

Murgatoyd, Alfred Tennipan                     8

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Nafziger, James                                      8

Navy                                                     4

Nebraska                                               3, 5, 7

Nelson, Mikey                                        2

Nelson, Mary                                         2

Newcastle, WY                                       4

Norman, Mr.                                          8

Norwegian whist                                   10

Novak, Mrs. Irma                                  6

nylons                                                  5

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O'Neill Photographers                            8

Officers                                                2, 7

Oelrichs, SD                                         6, 7, 10

Ogalala                                                8

Olson, Olaf                                           6

Ordnance Interdenominational Church    9

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Payroll                                                 1, 5

Personnel                                             1, 4

Peterson, LaVose                                  4, 5

Peterson, Lt.                                        2

pinochle                                              10

ping pong                                            8

Post Engineers                                     1, 7

Post Office                                           1

Post Restaurant                                    2

Post Theater                                        10

Priest-in-Charge                                   9

Production Staff                                    8

Prompters                                            8

Provo Community Church                      9

Putscher, Mr.                                       7

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Rapid City, SD                                     2, 4, 5, 10

Rasper, Captain and Mrs. Vincent W.     2

Rattlers                                              8

Rawn, Mrs. C.                                     2

Red Cross Drive                                  1, 3

Restaurant                                         1, 2

Rev. Eugene Beltz                               6, 9

Rev. John H. Billings                            9

Rev. Roger Green                                9

Rev. John G. Groell                             9

Rev. Lyman C. Kern                            9

Rev. Philip W. Roberts                         9

Rev. H. J. Smith                                 9

rheumatic fever                                  5

Richer, Bill                                         6

Ritter, James                                     8

Roberts, Rev. Philip W.                       9

Rock Island Arsenal                           6

Room 3                                            2, 3

Room 4                                            10

Room 6                                            10

Room 10                                          10

Room 12                                          10

Room 16                                          10

Rosebud, SD                                     5

Ryan, Faith                                       3

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Sales Manager                                  8

Schrank, Tilman                                8

Scott, Zachary                                  10

Security Branch                                 1, 5

Senior Choir Practice                          9

Senior Class Play                                8

Service Branch                                   1, 3, 7

Schoenbeck, Marolyn                         8

Schoonmaker, Kathryn                       8

Shoe Shop                                        1

Silvernale, Bob                                  8

Smith, Rev. H. J.                               9

Smith, Mavis                                     8

Square Club                                      10

Stage Manager                                  8

Stanford, Barbara                              8

Steinlicht, Martin                               3

Stimson,Oke                                     8

Stock Accounting                              6

Stock Control                                   1, 6, 8

Storage                                           1, 6, 7, 10

Student Director                              8

St. Paul, MN                                    2

Sulser, Lt. and Mrs. Melvin                2

Sunday School                                 9

Sunflower Girl Scouts                       10

Sunshine Extension Club                   2

Surplus Property                               6

Surveillance Branch                           1, 5, 7

Swinson, Pearle                                 5

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Teen-Age Dance                                10

Thomas, Mrs. William G.                    10

Thompson, Mr. P.                               7

Timma, Miss Mae                                5, 8

track                                                  8

Trading Post                                       1, 8

Training Instructer                              4

Transportation                                    1

Traveling Representative                     8

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Ursin, Ovie                                         7

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Valandry, Robert C.                             7

Veren, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben                 4

Veterans                                             2

Veterans of Foreign Wars                     2

VFW                                                  2, 7

volley ball                                           8

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War Assets Corporation                       8

Ward, Miss                                         1, 8

WAVES                                               6

Webster, Sylvia                                   8

Wegner, Miss Rheuva                           6

Whaley, M. D.                                      4

Whitehead, Harry E.                            10

Wies, Dorothy                                     6

Wies, Eleanor                                      4

Wilson, Mrs. Joyce                               2

Winters, Mr.                                        7

Wood, Claud                                       5

Wood, Miss Dorothy                             5

Wolvington, Mr.                                   6, 7

Woytassek. Patricia                              6

Wyoming                                             4, 5

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Young People                                       9

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