The purpose of this site is to gather, archive and distribute information about Igloo, Black Hills Ordnance Depot and Provo School.
I am assuming if you have come this far you are aware of the location and basic history of the depot.
If not click here for a brief history.
Click here for a more detailed history.
WHY? Click on "Cattle Die"
Although this site is primarily concerned with the period that the base was open, it has a secondary purpose of providing information for those looking for old friends, neighbors, coworkers and classmates. There has been a Provo High School All-Class Reunion held the 3rd Saturday of July for the last 40+ years. This is followed the next day by the Igloo Reunion.
For reunion info click here.
Italian POWs | Phosphorus Fire | Blizzard of 49 | 1950 Igloo Explosion |
Kiddies Day Parade | Armed Forces Day | Depot Closure | Reunions |
Decennial | Halloween | Christmas | County Fair |
The Italian Prisioners of War were part of a three prong effort to secure labor for the war effort while most of the young men were in the Armed Forces. The other two prongs were the Women Ordnance Workers (WOW), usually refered to as Rosie the Riveters and the Native Americans. For more information on the POW-WOWs (pardon the pun), click here.